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Computing resulting movement across a hydrograph incorporating speed zones

09-20-2013 01:33 PM
Occasional Contributor
I originally asked a question like this in what I thought would be the forum to ask in.  A great guy pointed me here.  🙂 
So we have an area of the United States which shows several targets.  We currently use the ArcGIS tools to compute the polygons for a response ship moving at maximum speed and broken down into 15, 30, 45, and 90 minute times in response to events at those targets.  My goal is to use the tools to incorporate a weighted raster(?) and apply that to the maximum speed result to find out the true response time distances. 

So I know or think I know that I have to use a weighted raster which represents the weighting factor applied to the speed.  So for example I have this situation:

Maximum distance travelled at max speed(50):   ****|******|******|******  (the shorter distance in the first part is the response time of the team to get their ship rolling.

Factors applies..........................................   speed zones
..............................................................   none--->|25----->|none------>

Results for distance travelled with weight.......   ****|****|***|****

Now for starters the two of us working on this are C# developers that are new to ArcGIS and we are inheriting this code.  So we both need to learn a lot in a very short time!  I know I want to use the Spatial tools and we have the enterprise version 10.1 installed.
I found something somewhere that showed the method call I have to make but they cheated, the regular and weighted rastors were passed in the method call.  😞
We are lost as to how we programmatically define the new weighted rastor to pass to the routine to get our weighted distance.  There seems to be an abundance of vacuum where development documentation is concerned.  😞

Thanks for anyone providing guidance in where to start.  (btw -- I've been pointed to the theory stuff many times and read it 3 times as many times and it doesn't help me write my code)
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