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ArcGIS Online Layers Freeze ArcGIS Desktop

08-13-2013 10:30 AM
New Contributor II
I'm wondering if anyone else has this issue and if there is something I can do to resolve it.  In the past I have used the slick ESRI base maps for many maps without an issue - good, relatively speedy performance when using them in ArcGIS desktop.  Recently they have gotten so slow as to be completely unusable to me.  I have tried using them in different networks (home, work, university) and all have the same performance issues for me.  When I add the baselayer (even the simple grey basemap) my cursor just spins until i decide to end the Arcmap process via Task Manager.  Interestingly, when using AGOL only, I can create a webmap with any of the basemaps and the performance is super speedy.  Thoughts?
Thanks much in advance!

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Esri Notable Contributor
We are not aware of any issues. Could something have changed with your network? I would check with your network people to make sure nothing changed. When you say you connect from various places, so you are running ArcGIS Desktop in a standalone fashion, without being connected to a work network?  If you still have issues, you can contact Esri Technical Support to further investigate the problem.


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