ArcGIS Online Map Does NOT Show Slider for Time Enabled Layer

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07-30-2012 12:15 PM
Occasional Contributor II
I have a service that is hosted on ArcGIS Server 10.0 and want to put it in a time enable map using ArcGIS Online. The service (sorry I can't post the service URL or link to it) description shows the Time Info section so it is time enabled. However, when I add the layer to the map viewer all I get are the points, no time slider and none of the points are filtered out. The time slider runs in ArcMap.

Is there an intermediate step that I'm missing?

Time Info:

Start Time Field: Year
End Time Field: N/A
Track ID Field: N/A
Time Extent: [2000/01/01 00:00:00 UTC, 2009/01/01 00:00:00 UTC]
Time Reference: N/A
Time Interval: 1 (esriTimeUnitsYears)
Export Options:

Use Time: True
Time Data Cumulative: True
Time Offset: 0
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1 Solution

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Occasional Contributor II
Found the answer: the time slider doesn't work if you add a time enabled layer (i.e. it does work if you add the entire map service (i.e. It would be nice to be able to keep time enabled when just adding a single layer, but at least there's an answer.

View solution in original post

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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor II
Found the answer: the time slider doesn't work if you add a time enabled layer (i.e. it does work if you add the entire map service (i.e. It would be nice to be able to keep time enabled when just adding a single layer, but at least there's an answer.
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