Can I publish a parcel layer with more than 21,000 features in AGOL?

07-31-2017 03:15 PM
New Contributor III

I have a parcel layer with about 21,600 parcels. have tried publishing from ArcMap and publishing from a database but I am unable to see my features in ArcGIS Online. 

Any workarounds? 

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7 Replies
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Hi Vaneiri,

It is possible, but not recommended as the hosted feature layer will be very big (use a lot of space / credits), and the layer will not be very responsive and will draw slowly when you pan and zoom on the map.

I work with parcels all the time and my data covers the whole country of New Zealand.

The first questions I as myself before publishing online:

- Is the data already available online (from ArcGIS Online or a server)?

- What information needs to be accessed - will the users need to query/edit the data, or simply view it?

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New Contributor III

Hi Alix,

We are trying to have it accessible for update via Collector. It is ArcGIS online only. We would then need to have it as feature class to allow edits. 

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Esri Frequent Contributor

Hi Vaneiri Patt‌,

You can publish as many features as you need to ArcGIS Online and don't need to increase the max record count. Depending on how your data is structured and what you are looking to accomplish with your data (edit, query, time animation), verify what layer type will be the best.

If it appears that your features aren't publishing at all, query the rest endpoint to verify if any data has been published (details available in this blog).  If no data is being published and you are publishing from ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro, check to see if any data is present in the GDB in the SD file. This will let you know if there is an issue with the packaging.

If querying the data from the rest endpoint shows data is in the service but is not displaying in the web map, check to understand if the data is complex with a lot of vertices. If this is the case, look at these three blogs to determine the best path forward.

Best Practices for using Tile Layers as Operational Layers | ArcGIS Blog 

Publishing tiles from features: efficient, automatic, and economical | ArcGIS Blog 

Who would win? Matching layer types to common workflows | ArcGIS Blog 



Occasional Contributor III


Are you unable to see any feature at all?

If you are able to view certain features in the AGOL and wish to view more features you need to increase the maximum record count on the hosted map service


How To: Update the maximum record count for feature services in ArcGIS Online 

I hope this helps!


New Contributor III

This is what is puzzling for my end. I am not able to see any features none at all. The feature class that I use to publish has features but when published it doesn't show any at all. 

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Occasional Contributor III

Try using the Add Spatial Index—Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

Can you publish the service after exporting the data into a new feature class? I wonder if it helps.


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Occasional Contributor III

I would also suggest running Check Geometry and then Repair Geometry if any errors are found...geometry errors have presented issues with feature services for us in the past.
