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How to view/share data

05-12-2011 11:42 AM
New Contributor
Is there any way I can share/view my data with other users via ArcGIS Online if all I have is an ArcView license?

I'd like to build a map that I could share online, but apparently layer and layer package files aren't currently supported (even though the help menu for implies it's a format suitable for uploading). Without an ArcServer license, it doesn't appear as though I can create 'web maps'.

Only ArcGIS Server map, image, and feature services can be added to the map. Other layer types, such as layer packages, are not supported at this time.

I'm quite new to the GIS world, so maybe I'm just missing something? Unless I spring upgraded licensing, is useless to me as a provider?
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4 Replies
New Contributor
I'd like to know the answer to this too.  I'm trying to do some testing for some online maps for my Agency and I can't seem to get it to work.

Found my answer....

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New Contributor III
I know I'm a little late here but I just started looking in to this.

From my understanding,

You can upload your own layers, mxd, layer packages, ect.  However, once you share them users will only be able to download them and use them in ArcDesktop, not  If you want to be able to use and share your ArcMap files, you need an ArcServer (not free) in order to do so. 

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Esri Notable Contributor
Yes, that is correct. Other desktop users can download the ArcMap files and use them. However, you won't be able to display these file types over the map in For that right now, you do need ArcGIS Server.


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New Contributor
So, without ArcGis server, not "everyone" can truly ceate and share their data/maps.
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