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I would like to set the source for a map layer to be a QSpatial dataset

12-09-2018 06:34 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Qld Gov has a Qspatial website ( ), and you can manually download relevant datasets (in geodatabase or shapefile format) for use in various arcmaps.

My question is, can I set the source for a layer to directly access the QSpatial webserver or database connection ?

Does anyone know what the connection pathway would be ?



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1 Reply
New Contributor II

Hi Simon,

If I understand you correctly, you;d like to add QSpatial as a connection in Map/Pro/Portal?  QSpatial is a custom ASP.NET search engine, not an Esri ArcGIS/Portal server.  There are however services that are referenced by this search engine.  If you click the Search panel on the home, page, then in the search terms section limit the search by Content Type = Service, you'll get a list of search results that include the REST endpoint URL.

Hope this helps


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