Layer projection is changed after it's published

12-26-2018 02:06 PM
New Contributor III

I recently noticed a problem with the layers I've been publishing as I was trying to set up an ArcGIS Hub site.  When I would download the layers from the hub site they would not be in the same projection system as the source layer that I originally published.  The layer's I was publishing to my content were in 

WKID: 2966 Authority: EPSG

After they were published the online hosted layers were changed to 

Authority: Custom

The REST URL for the hosted layers lists the spatial reference as 2245 when it should be 2966 as shown above.  Is there something I may be doing that's causing this change during the publishing process?  When I publish using ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro, I get the same result in the hosted layer. 

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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

I only have a partial answer. EPSG:2245 was deprecated by EPSG because of an incorrect false northing value. This happened in 2002. EPSG:2966 is its replacement. Esri must have had the correct value in our version because we directly did a "code change" between the two. That means that either number is acceptable to us. Because the layer is being published, we usually use the older ID as it would be supported by older servers. 

Here's where I'm confused. The name should be the same for either one. Is the layer a raster? They use somewhat different software and that could be where the different name is coming in.


New Contributor III

The layer is not a raster.  Or I guess I should say layers.  As I said, I'm trying to set up an ArcGIS Hub site so I've been publishing all the layers we want available on that site.  They're all vector layers.  When I look at the layer properties in ArcMap before I publish, it shows the correct projection system.  Once that layer is published on AGO the spatial reference listed under the feature layers REST URL is the incorrect 2245.  So I'm trying to find a way to publish these layers that will result in the feature layer on AGO having the correct spatial reference. 

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