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Open Metadata?

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06-06-2014 02:42 PM
Occasional Contributor III
Questions for the Open Data Team:

  1. What is the ArcGIS Online Open Data capability's design for delivering metadata along with the data?

  2. Will the ArcGIS Platform help its users publish metadata and data?

Once upon a time, geodata consumers the world over discovered that they could not confidently use undocumented geodata for... just about anything.  Usually, there was a brief Description accompanying the data, but it just did not have enough information on which to base good decisions to use or not to use.  They came up with "metadata" which provided the necessary info about the geodata which helped them decide whether or not to use it.  And, of course, they standardized back in the day on Federal Geographic Data Committee Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (whew.  FGDC-CSDGM), which was recognized by FGDC as one of several endorsed metadata style choices a few years ago.

At ArcGIS 10.x or so, Esri adjusted their software's method of managing metadata into a pretty cool structure that could be used to store and deliver various standard metadata styles, based on what geodata consumers like or geodata managers have to use due to policies and such.  It is cool that the data and metadata are stored and managed together, like a shiny little gift-wrapped package.  However, Esri has not (yet?) provided any capability in ArcGIS Server to publish the data and metadata together as a shiny gift-wrapped package in one "it just works" sort of service publishing workflow.

Currently suggested methods of publishing metadata are unlinked from publishing the data, which causes a lot of effort to be expended by a lot of people, repeatedly.

In my opinion, it would quite useful and it would help increase the value proposition of using the ArcGIS Platform if a user or code could make a request to the ArcGIS Server REST API for a layer's metadata, specify the output standard (fgdc, iso, whatever) and format (xml for machines, pretty words for humans), and have the metadata returned.  The ArcGIS Online and its Open Data capability could have a little clicky-link on the Item page or Open Data presentation, respectively, that would let a human zoom into the detailed metadata to understand their choice when they decide to use the data.
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by Anonymous User
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Hi Tim,

This is a good suggestion and we are currently evaluating workflows to best share standardized metadata. As we work through this across the platform, ArcGIS Open Data would have a way to read/return/search on the metadata. I would be interested in talking to you more if you are available. Please send me a private message with your contact information and a good time to reach you.


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11 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Hi Tim,

This is a good suggestion and we are currently evaluating workflows to best share standardized metadata. As we work through this across the platform, ArcGIS Open Data would have a way to read/return/search on the metadata. I would be interested in talking to you more if you are available. Please send me a private message with your contact information and a good time to reach you.

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Occasional Contributor III

Nice, thanks @Andrew_Stauffer!

What’s New in ArcGIS Online (July 2015) | ArcGIS Blog

Organizational and Administrative enhancements

Organizations can enable standards-based metadata for their items. Organizations select a metadata style which configures the organization’s experience for editing and viewing metadata. Standards-based metadata allows content authors to provide more information about an item than what is available on the details page. Styles support metadata standards such as FGDC CSDGM Metadata or North American Profile of ISO019115 2003.

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New Contributor II
I concur that this is hugely important.  It is probably one of the most fundamental and useful processes that result from an organization's gearing up to make their data public.  Esri has been at it for a while, and should not drop the ball with this platform; this might be an opportunity to make metadata more useful and conforming throughout all product lines.
Occasional Contributor III
Hey, so I notice that when I click on a dataset, the About section has a "Metadata" link that jumps to the item description.  This can provide a workaround for me until Esri can complete integration of metadata management and delivery across the ArcGIS Platform.

Initially, I'm working around by using ArcGIS Desktop to export the metadata to FGDC XML (still our state's standard), zipping the XML file, then adding it as an item of type Code sample (other) to ArcGIS Online.  Once that's done, and I share the item to Everyone, I can string up a direct request to the metadata like this:

I just stick that link into my feature service item description, and suddenly metadata is "available".  Not the cleanest or most pleasant, but it works for us for now.

New Contributor II
Thanks, Tim; that's a good interim solution.  I was doing something similar, but I like your idea  better as it ties the AGOL/OD version of the metadata more closely to the desktop version.  Silly to have so many versions of metadata, so I am really hoping Esri can integrate that function more fully across their products.
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New Contributor II

I want to add my support to this concept yet again.  This is an unparalleled opportunity to provide real value with our data.

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Occasional Contributor III

Andrew Stauffer‌, I notice that "GeoNet Admin" has marked your answer as correct, which I would like to take as really good news!  If there's a capability now for delivering the metadata, could you provide a link to the instructions?



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New Contributor

Hi Tim et al.

The Open Geoportal community is just finishing up a new open source web-based metadata toolkit for rapid metadata authoring that includes shared schemas and multiple standards and metadata ingest into portal environments.  It should be available in the next 6 weeks. We are working closely with ESRI on this.  Several universities came together on this.  For more information please see - Software. We'd certainly be happy to discuss.


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Occasional Contributor III

Patrick Florance‌,

I have tried to get to the site a few times, but I haven't been able to load it in various browsers on various networks.  Is it a thing, or has it evaporated?



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