ArcGIS Pro Keybind (Accelerator) Customization

09-11-2019 08:37 AM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor III

  In ArcMap it was great to be able to keybind such things as the F keys (without using SHFT, CTRL, etc) as well as the single keys of Insert, Home, PgUp, Delete, End, PgDn and the other keys such as the -/_, +/=, [], ;', <>,/ and those types of keys.


  It made editing so much easier when one didn't have to press a secondary thing such as Ctrl-PgUp which is what I have to do now in ArcGIS Pro due to these single key presses being locked to a default that can't be changed in the "Customize the Ribbon" Option.  Currently right now most the F-keys aren't useful now and neither are any of the other keys mentioned as a single click for me which I feel is a waste for some of us that edit so much and want to have less key presses.


  Another thing is it would be nice to have a crosswalk of ArcMap names to ArcGIS Pro names for features.  Things such as "Flip" is now "Reverse" and other thing are not that easy to find (if they even exist anymore).


  We should also be allowed to enable and disable snapping as a toggle rather than as hold down key press of the space bar each time.


  It would also be great to have panes be able to be toggled on and off by a keybind (accelerator) as well.  Currently those such as the "Create Pane" can be turned on by adding an accelerator, but can't be toggled off using the same keypress.


  Bring back the Rectangle Zoom out as well.  There is the Rectangle zoom in, but no rectangle zoom out.  Having both of these in ArcMap keybound to the PgUp and PgDown was so much faster to move around for example for me.


  I can understand the actual letters might have to be locked as they were in ArcMap and that's fine.  I just want the same functionality that ArcMap had when customizing keybinds...


@CarsonG  Yes I agree.  I have to resort to using <C> to pan around quickly when I don't want to use the Explore Tool so I can keep my current tool and often I end up having multiple "c's" in my attributes since I sometimes still have that highlighted after entering in data.  Highly annoying.

  As you said, there are many hard coded keys that I don't use and don't intend on using, but hit by accident and it's a pain sometimes trying to figure out how to restore the map (good example is hitting the <V> which rotates the map and then I have to look up how to get it back to it's original orientation) or how the <PGUP> will Pan up and <PgDn> will Pan down, and <HOME> is Pan Left and <END> is Pan Right.  On my keyboard I have the one with two rows (Top row is Insert, Home, PgUp and bottom row is Delete, End PgDn) which makes those quik set pans useless and non intuitive to use with my physical keyboard layout.

  Just little things like that, but more importantly it would be much nicer to bind them all to functional keys that each user is comfortable with as you mentioned in ArcMap.

@KoryKramer did mention to me that there were going to be some changes in future updates that will be about the keybinds or accelerators as ESRI calls them.  So maybe this will be something that will be addressed...


Hi @CarsonG Sorry for the inconvenience on this once. @PeteJordan is correct that we are working on an enhanced keyboard shortcut framework. The goal is for that to be available in ArcGIS Pro 3.1 (Q1 2023). It is a bit early to share too many details about the design but it will allow far greater customization than the current experience. 


Status changed to: Under Consideration
Status changed to: Implemented

This Idea has been implemented in ArcGIS Pro 3.1. Please see the What's New documentation for more new features in Pro 3.1.

The Ideas in ArcGIS Pro 3.1 blog will be wrapped up soon, highlighting all Ideas implemented in this release, including this one. Once complete, I will add the link to this comment. 


@AmeliaBradshaw Great news, thank you...


I also wanted to post some additional updates with the ArcGIS Pro 3.2 release. See 


Thanks for the document update @KoryKramer ...