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Filter Catalog EGDB FCs by owner

10-12-2022 09:38 AM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Notable Contributor

In Catalog:

It would be helpful if we could filter/show/hide enterprise geodatabase connection objects (FCs, tables, views, relationship classes) by owner.

For example, if there are objects from several owners (ROADS, WATER_RES, WATER), let me only see objects from WATER.

My connection is OS Authentication (objects from lots of owners), not a DB/owner-based connection (only one owner).

Oracle 10.7.1 EGDB


Hi Bud,

If you are using ArcGIS Desktop, you can accomplish this by going to Customize > ArcCatalog options... > check the "List only objects owned by the connecting user with enterprise geodatabases" checkbox.  





For ArcGIS Pro, this option will be available with the upcoming release of version 3.1.


Hope this helps,



Status changed to: In Product Plan

Thank you for the idea!

In ArcGIS Pro 3.1, users will have the ability to see only objects owner by the connected database user. This option will be available in the Catalog Browsing page of the application options dialog. For more on this, and for other new additions from the geodatabase team in 3.1, check out our latest blog. 

Link - What's new with Geodatabases in 3.1

Status changed to: Implemented

This Idea has been implemented in ArcGIS Pro 3.1. Please see the What's New documentation for more new features in Pro 3.1.

The Ideas in ArcGIS Pro 3.1 blog will be wrapped up soon, highlighting all Ideas implemented in this release, including this one. Once complete, I will add the link to this comment. 


Hi, I think this is asking to be able to filter other people's data by owner? Not just view our own.
For example, all data published by Natural England.


Thanks for pointing this out. It looks like that's correct.  Seems like this idea might need an amended status.  While it IS true that users have new filtering functionality that matches ArcMap, this idea goes a step further.

@Bud , @EmmaVWKnowles 

Where would you expect to find this functionality in the catalog? There is an existing filter option at the top of the catalog pane that allows you to filter by multiple criteria, but not ownership. Would you expect to find it here? Or somewhere else like a right-click option on a specific workspace? 


Hi @SSWoodward, thanks for following up on this. I was looking for a "filter by owner" option in the dropdown list for the filter criteria box at the top of the catalog pane, as you say, so that is indeed where I would expect to find it.

I did subsequently discover that it is possible to filter by owner by typing "owner:" and then the owner's name. However, this is not obvious, I had to look it up; and also you have to get the username for the data owner exactly right, (for example, NE_opendata instead of Natural England), so a search box that can filter organisation names and tags would be more intuitive.



Agree with @EmmaVWKnowles. I think this idea needs to be re-opened. Thanks.


@SSWoodward Can this idea be reopened?