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"Save it Later" without creating a new folder for project - ArcGIS Pro

07-07-2019 06:16 PM
Status: Under Consideration
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor III

I love that we can now start using Pro without saving the project first.  If I do end up saving the project I would have previously made a folder (to follow our request structure).

The problem is that this then creates a whole new folder system within the folder system that already exists.

The solution: Bring back the tick box that is currently available when you create a new project allowing you to choose if you want to create a new folder for this project.

Status changed to: Under Consideration

Why not to consider saving the project as aprx file without the need to create a folder.


NO folder please. It's a small thing and a wish from the users for years... Thanks


THIS!!! So annoying and unnecessary! I have asked for help previously , but I guess this issue isn't going anywhere. 


@NaicongLi, what's the current status of this? Is it still being actively discussed? The default settings for "Save As" should always have been a single aprx file.



Under Consideration is the current and correct status for this idea. Please refer to the Idea Statuses doc to better understand the specific meaning of a status when in doubt. You can also see an abbreviated explanation for a status by hovering next to it:


That said, we have not been able to begin working on this. There are a couple other good related Pro ideas, which need to be considered together to provide a consistent user experience. We appreciate everyone’s input on this - we monitor ArcGIS Pro ideas closely and strive to incorporate a number of user ideas into every release. We just haven't been able to prioritize this yet into a release plan. If we get to that point, we will keep the community updated by moving this to In Product Plan.

Thank you.


Please prioritize. Things like this make using Pro a very frustrating and annoying experience.


Adding another voice to the plea for this. It seems like such a simple dev win. As others have said the functionality is obviously there, just give us access to it. How am I supposed to explain to non ESRI colleagues the unnecessary bloat of folders that the software creates just..."cos"?


It would be great if this gets available soon and thus to be able to save the aprx file without being saved (by default) in a folder nor creating other unnecessary files (like gdb, tbx, etc.)




Just to keep this idea active. This is desperately needed, most organisations have their own folder structures in place for managing and collaborating on GIS data. The project concept encourages people to work outside of these standards with their data in silos. It also causes particular issues when working on projects that use BIM collaboration software such as Autodesk Constructions Cloud with very controlled folder structures where you just cannot have ArcGIS Pro deciding to create additional folders. All we need is the aprx and nothing else.