aprx.saveACopy() changes the paths of the layers of the maps

07-18-2023 06:22 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have a script, where I prepare the maps and then save a copy to do some finetuning which would be to complicated for scripting. During the export the paths get destroyed. I use shapefiles because it is the easiest format to access from R or excel.


Project file: Drive\somepath \project_folder\map_path\mapx.aprx

Some data in the map: Drive\somepath \project_folder\report_path\some_data.shp or

Drive\somepath \project_folder\map_path\more_data.shp


Home location: Drive\somepath \project_folder


New location: Drive\somepath\project_folder\report_path\mapy.aprx


Saving a copy manually works, when saving in python with aprx.saveACopy() the paths get totally messed up:

e.g. the data becomes: Drive\somepath \report_path\some_data.shp or Drive\somepath \map_path\more_data.shp, i.e. the project_folder got removed from the path.


Data outside the project can also get some weird path, adding  \somepath in front of the original path:

Data from Drive\otherpath \other_data.shp becomes Drive\somepath\otherpath \other_data.shp


Anybody else who has experienced this? Is there a way to avoid this?

5 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

From ArcGISProject—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

saveACopy is supposed to....

The method creates a new output project file, but the project variable continues to reference the original ArcGISProject object. It does not duplicate all the content within a project folder.

... sort of retired...
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Occasional Contributor

@DanPattersonExactly, I expect it to refer to exactly the same data as in the original aprx, which it doesn't. And that is exactly the problem. It invents path-combinations that do not exist. Manually saving a Copy keeps tha paths correctly.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Nothing in the current list of bugs

Esri Support Search Results

you should contact Tech Support

... sort of retired...
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Occasional Contributor

 I have opened a support case. In the meantime I have observed that it does not happen consistently but is probably related to having used several instances of ArcGIS Pro open. Still, since the paths are shown as absolute paths, I expect them to behave as such. I will update, when the support comes back.

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Occasional Contributor

It has now bug number BUG-000160540

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