Export selected polygon shape without the attribute data

02-09-2024 08:53 AM
New Contributor III

I can access my city's property boundaries using ArcGIS online through the portal, and I can select an individual property I am interested in, but the ability to export data is grayed out. I don't really need any of the underlying attribute data associated with the property anyway. I just want the shape of it to use as my own shapefile. Is there a way to create a new feature class and use that selected polygon without having to trace it? 

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2 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor

You could create a new featureclass, then select the polygon you want, copy/paste special into the new featureclass.


Esri Contributor


I suspect you are not the data owner of the property boundaries (or an Admin) in your Portal. If you want to export the boundaries as a new feature class you can ask either the data owner or your Portal Admin to:

1: Display the metadata for the item

2: Click the Settings tab

3: Ask for the "Allow others to export to different formats" tick box is ticked. It's found under the Export Data part of the form.

I hope this helps.

Thanks ed