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Unable to get Intersection Snapping to work

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03-10-2019 02:11 PM
Occasional Contributor III

Hi there

I dont think I am doing anything wrong but I cant get Intersection snapping to work in the latest release of ArcGIS Pro 2.3.1.   I have a line feature that I am editing and trying to snap to the intersection of 2 or more polygon features. I have the polygon layer checked on under the List By Snapping tab and I have activated snapping when editing (see screen shot). Snapping tolerance was even increased to 20 pixels so it is not snapping tolerance.

I did get it to work in ArrcMap so I suspect this may be a bug? Unless I am missing something? 

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11 Replies
Occasional Contributor III


Kory and I got together and we've decided to log a defect for this behavior.

BUG-000120695: Intersection Snapping Not Locating Vertexes in Multi-Part Polygon in ArcGIS Pro

Something is definitely off there between Pro and ArcMap. Do you want to be attached to this defect? If so, let me know and I can do that.

Thanks for working with us on this and let me know if you have any questions.

cc Kory Kramer

Occasional Contributor III

Hi Jonathan

Thank you for the feedback and I am glad I was not going crazy. I have a workaround so no need to include me any further with this, I will just look out for the fix with the next release or so. 

Best wishes


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