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Trouble selecting on a date field

05-25-2019 07:30 PM
Occasional Contributor

I am working with a MapServer layer that support dynamic layers.  The data is tornado damage going back a number of years.  My goal is to select only 2019 data.

This tile call displays all the data: 

In order to select 2019 data I add the following dynamicLayers parameter with a definition expression:

&dynamicLayers=[{"source":{"type":"mapLayer","mapLayerId":0},"definitionExpression":"stormdate > DATE '2019-01-01'"}]

Here is the tile call with the dynamicLayers parameter added.  This call displays...nothing.,5058296.783799826,-9001224.450862357,3957603.5764932865&size=1131,450&dpi=96&format=png24&transparent=true&bboxSR=3857&imageSR=3857&layers=show:0&f=image&dynamicLayers=[{"source":{"type":"mapLayer","mapLayerId":0},"definitionExpression":"stormdate > DATE '2019-01-01'"}]

Where did I mess up?

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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Note that I do not want to change how the data is rendered.  Instead I simply want to display a subset of the data.

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MVP Alum
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Occasional Contributor

Thanks but that does not solve my problem.

Adding url encoding does not let me select just the 2019 data.

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