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ArcGIS Developer for Android (Error)

04-28-2014 09:43 PM
New Contributor

I have tried to use ArcGIS pluggin for eclipse

and installed the plugin following the instruction

but when i tried to create new project on eclipse the step cannot continue ("Next" button cannot click) on the "create new project in workspace" window (pop Up)

kindly need your help to solve this issue


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4 Replies
New Contributor II
In Eclipse, follow: File-New- New Project-ArcGIS for Android-ArcGIS Project for Android-Next-Input Project Name-Next-Package Name, Done...
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New Contributor
thas cbluhey135 for the response,

but the process is stoped on "Creating Project Name" and when i click "Next" it is nothing happened

i try to repeat again but still same stoped on same Windows "Creating Project Name"

kindly need your help why that is happened
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Occasional Contributor III
Information is limited so my only suggestion is to uninstall the plugin and try re-installing.  Please detail the steps you took to install once you have a clean uninstall if you continue to have issues.
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New Contributor
Hi Dano,

i have tried to reinstall several time but i still met same problem i cannot create new project and same issue when i try to open the sample project for arcGis

the process stop on Create a new project name and cannot click the "Next" button so the project creation not completed

for your information i use Eclipse IDE for Java Developers , Version: Kepler Service Release 2, Build id: 20140224-0627

and arcgis-android-sdk-v10.2.3


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