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What is the list of offline feature Arc-gis SDK?

05-25-2017 11:36 PM
New Contributor

We have some concern regarding ArcGIS android sdk :-

About Functionality:
We want to create an Android App which has offline map functionality with below feature:

1. Routes for a destination with alternative path
2. Navigator (like Google Navigator but should work in offline map)
3. Speed limits
4. Light and Dark themes
5. Zoom out and Zoom in
6. Route between 2 arbitrary points
7. Traffic-zam details
8. Re-routing when there is traffic in current route
9. detour

So please let me know that your #ArcGIS android sdk provide this all features or not.

Note: All above listed feature should work with #offline-map. In case any feature not supported offline please mention them.

About Support:
- Is #ArcGIS giving support in Germany as in first phase we will target to Germany.
- Does you provide after sales support, in case we got some issues.

About Price:
This app will be use by approx 5k-10k users so how much cost for the Api and support.

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Regular Contributor II

This sounds very similar to our Navigator application that is already released in the app stores:

Navigator for ArcGIS | ArcGIS 

I think its safe to say that all of this should be capable with offline mapping and the ArcGIS SDKs. Although two thoughts:

7. Traffic-zam details <--  I am not sure what you mean by this.

8. Re-routing when there is traffic in current route <-- How would you determine if there is traffic if you are offline?

For pricing and support, I would contact your regional Esri Distributor as they would be able to help you figure out costs better than a guy on a message board.

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