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License question

02-08-2011 10:16 PM
New Contributor
I've read the license over and it seems that there's no way to 1. sell an app with the ArcGIS API component in it. 2. give away the app and sell a service behind it. 3. produce some tangential benefit and charge for that.

Is the API available for in-house developers to use to produce in-house apps with the business justification some saving to the business by using the app, which pays for developer time?

As a consulting group, I'm guessing our fit here is as paid developers to create apps that our client owns for in-house use only.
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7 Replies
New Contributor
I would also like clarification as requested above.

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New Contributor
I would like this clarified as well, with the additional question:

Is ANY commercial option available?  For instance, if I develop a mobile app with a custom map embedded in it, is there any service ESRI sells that would allow me to sell that app for a profit?

Please, any clarification on this would be most appreciated.

Thank you.
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Esri Contributor
Alexcmei, jmhobrien and dune2,

My apologies for not responding sooner. We provide the ability for you to deploy both Enterprise apps and apps distributed through the App Store.

Apps deployed within the Enterprise
All Enterprise (in-house) apps can be built and deployed without incurring iOS API licensing costs

Apps deployed in the App Store
If your app is free and doesn�??t make any type of direct revenue (sales, advertisements, etc ..) you are free to deploy your app with no iOS API licensing fees

If your application generates some type of direct revenue (Sales, advertisement, etc ..) then iOS licensing fees might apply

No fees apply if you (or the client your building the app for) have a commercial license of ArcGIS Server.

In the case where your app generates direct revenue and ArcGIS Server is not licensed we have several options for licensing (percent of revenue, subscription, etc ..)


Can you clarify give more info about #1 and #3. What type of service are you selling? Can you give an example of a tangential benefit?

I realize each of your situations are different so I�??m available by phone if you�??d like to chat. 909-793-2853  ext1-2444

David Cardella
Mobile Product Manager
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New Contributor
Hello dcardella,

according to your answer I would like to ask You about ArcGIS Server licence. Do I need to have ArcGIS Standard Enterprise or should I buy ArcGIS Server Advanced Enterprise with mobile extension?

Best regards.
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Esri Contributor
Alexcmei, jmhobrien and dune2,

In the case where your app generates direct revenue and ArcGIS Server is not licensed we have several options for licensing (percent of revenue, subscription, etc ..)

Hello David, is that correct now that iOS SDK version is going to be Open Source?

Thank you!!
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Esri Contributor
Hi Aitor,

That announcement was made for the applications and not the SDKs. So the licensing model doesn't change.

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Esri Contributor
I would like to clarify my initial post to this thread.

If your application generates revenue (e.g. sales, advertisement, in-app purchase, etc...) then licencing fees might apply regardless if you are an existing ArcGIS Server customer. Please contact me if you have any questions (

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