Creating GPK works for single result, but not multiple result

12-18-2018 06:43 AM
New Contributor III

I have two tools that need to packaged into a single GPK in ArcMap 10.6.1 (with Runtime access enabled).

The tool executes with no problems/warnings, and I can package each result on its own: e.g. create "tool1.gpk" from first result, and "tool2.gpk" from the second result.

However, when I Add Result in the package creation and run it, I get the general "999999" error. (It looks like it's happening towards the end of the whole process, but that's completely a guess on my part.) No errors in Analyze, just a failure to create a multi-result package.

What should I be looking for while trying to resolve this problem and get both my results into the same GPK?

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4 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor


Unfortunately that's the classic general error and doesn't give us much to go on. I'll ask one of my GP colleagues if he can share any advice here.

Regarding packaging into a single GPK (ArcMap)  or GPKX (Pro), to some degree that's an architectural decision. A single GPK/GPKX will result in a single LocalGeoprocessingService instance (LocalServerHost.exe process). If you want to run the tools simultaneously I recommend packaging as individual GPK/GPKX files and starting a LocalGeoprocessingService for each one. The downside to that approach may be a higher amount of memory consumed by the processes when idle compared to a single process, but probably not significantly different. Of course it's likely you have other considerations/requirements as well.



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New Contributor III

999999 is the worst!

These tools were packaged together by a previous developer, and the application structured around that. We're upgrading everything to Runtime 100x, and the start of that was supposed to be just republishing the tools from 10.6.1 instead or 10.2.1. So if possible, I'd like to get them both together (limits the fuss to just my team, as the actual mobile app developers are a different group). However, if we have to split them out, we have to split them out...

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Esri Contributor

Hi Erica,

In testing, we're seeing no issues in general with packaging multiple results. It would help to take a closer look. If possible can you share the tools with me? 

New Contributor III

I did get another error that included more information: "Item with the same path name already exists." 

screenshot of gpk packaging error

I have no idea which item triggered that name conflict. However, we've ended up remaking both the tools and the gdbs they worked from to ensure unique names of everything, and now it's fine. Thanks anyway

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