ESRI.ArcGIS .dlls Not Recognized

12-04-2013 01:25 PM
New Contributor
Hello, new to the forums.  I am having an issue after installation.

I am running ArcGIS 10.1.1
Visual Studio 2012
ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF 10.2

When I open Visual Studio to create a new project, I do not have the option to pick any ArcGIS templates.
However, I have the new tools in my toolbox.  As expected, I cannot include any ESRI.ArcGIS.Client libraries in my source code
but they are installed and exist in my ArcGIS SDKs folder on my C:/.

Any idea where I went wrong?  If I need ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF 10.1.1, where would I get that?  I can't find it anywhere.
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2 Replies
Frequent Contributor
You can add references to assemblies by simply browsing to the directory which holds them.  In other words, the fact that Visual Studio does not show them as built-in choices should not prevent you from using them.
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New Contributor
You can add references to assemblies by simply browsing to the directory which holds them.  In other words, the fact that Visual Studio does not show them as built-in choices should not prevent you from using them.

Thank you for the response.  I will try that in the morning.
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