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Using Business Analyst for Proximity?

02-08-2013 05:06 AM
New Contributor
Hello everyone,

My apologies if this isn't in the correct forum. I could really use your help. I am trying to figure out if it is possible to use business analyst for proximity market. Is there a way to do this?

I am a faculty member at a college where GIS is just being implemented. A colleague teaches a new media marketing course which highlights new types of marketing (social media, etc). I am trying to figure out if I can create a mini-project for the students to do in the course using GIS.

Any suggestions as to how proximity/location-based marketing can be used with business analyst or ArcGis in general? Any help or advice would be much appreciated. I am well-versed in GIS, but not for business (I'm in a different department).

Many thanks in advance.
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4 Replies
New Contributor III
Hi nosecondcity,
Proximity/location-based marketing could be a few different things, but Business Analyst is capable of a wide range of very powerful analytical tools.  One tool that comes to mind is Location Allocation, the goal of which is to help locate new facilities in a way that supplies the existing demand points most efficiently.  It maximizes attendance, market share, and target market share.  If this sounds like something you would like to learn more about as it relates to Business Analyst, here's a video:

And in case you find it helpful, I'm including the 'What's New in Business Analyst 10.1' to see what other tools you might find useful:

Or, if you're on version 10.0, here's the what's New in Business Analyst 10.0:

Please let me know if I've not answered your question; I'm happy to continue helping you find a suitable answer.

Best Regards,

Kristen C.
Support Services
888-377-4575 X2
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New Contributor
Hi Kristen,

Thanks so much for the reply and advice. I had looked at using Location Allocation, which I do think would work for a straight-forward marketing class. I think a mini-project would be great.

However, since this colleague is teaching new marketing media that focuses on social media (twitter, foursquare, facebook, etc), I'm not sure how well Location Allocation would work.

I was thinking of creating a project where the students can look at check-ins at a site like yelp and then map them. In other words, maybe look at how and where people check-in, analyze it, and then develop a market strategy based on what demographic population is shopping where/for what.

Do you think that would work? If you have other suggestions/thought/etc I would greatly appreciate them. And, again, thank you for your help.
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New Contributor III
Hi nosecondcity,
Social media is definitely becoming more and more a part of our lives, business decisions included.  I believe you mentioned that you have a Standard copy of BA: (  If so, this includes the Target Marketing functions.  Assuming you have POS data, the Developing Marketing Strategies report will help you determine which media to focus on in order to reach your target market.  As an example, I ran a report for the San Francisco tutorial data, found in C:\ArcGIS\Business Analyst\US\Datasets\Tutoria\ (version 10.1).  Looking at the attached sample report, you can see that you would do well to advertise in airline magazines, because this group of customers scored a 270 for the core group, which is almost three times higher than the national average of 100.  And/or to advertise on public radio because they listen to public radio three times more than the national average. 

I'm including a link to the help on this topic Segmentation Reports Charts and Reports:

And, to the general topic of Target Marketing:

Best Regards,

Kristen C.
Esri Support Services
888-377-4575 X2
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New Contributor
Hi Kristen,
Thanks so much for your advice and feedback. This looks great and I think the Target Marketing function will be useful. I'm going to try to put together a few mock assignments with it and see how it goes.

Thank you again for your help!

Hi nosecondcity,
Social media is definitely becoming more and more a part of our lives, business decisions included.  I believe you mentioned that you have a Standard copy of BA: (  If so, this includes the Target Marketing functions.  Assuming you have POS data, the Developing Marketing Strategies report will help you determine which media to focus on in order to reach your target market.  As an example, I ran a report for the San Francisco tutorial data, found in C:\ArcGIS\Business Analyst\US\Datasets\Tutoria\ (version 10.1).  Looking at the attached sample report, you can see that you would do well to advertise in airline magazines, because this group of customers scored a 270 for the core group, which is almost three times higher than the national average of 100.  And/or to advertise on public radio because they listen to public radio three times more than the national average. 

I'm including a link to the help on this topic Segmentation Reports Charts and Reports:

And, to the general topic of Target Marketing:

Best Regards,

Kristen C.
Esri Support Services
888-377-4575 X2
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