Feature to Raster issue: doesn't complete

08-20-2020 03:48 PM
New Contributor III

I’ve not been able to resolve an issue with a Model performing either a Polygon to Raster or Feature to Raster conversion. It just hangs, despite restarts, rebuilding the model, long waits, etc. It seems stuck in a loop and haven’t found a support case or article dealing with this. Task Manager shows process cycling between the same Memory and CPU metrics which is why I think it’s in a loop.  The feature is a small subset of USDA Soil Map Unit features with a Hydro Group Number  (long data type, not the alpha code) for the raster pixel values.  There are only 154 polygons in the feature set and it's for only 1 HUC-12 catchment/basin area.  All values are non-null and range from 1-4.  It should run in no time.  Thoughts?

Executing (Feature to Raster): FeatureToRaster "Site Analysis\08_Soil\soilmu_a_aoi" HYDGRP_NUM "C:\Users\jamie\Documents\Education\GIS\501-Capstone Project\Scratch.gdb\FtoRTest" "C:\Users\jamie\Documents\Education\GIS\501-Capstone Project\CapstoneProject.gdb\ContextDEM"
Start Time: Thu Aug 20 15:49:05 2020
Cancelled function
Cancelled function
(Feature to Raster) aborted by User.
Failed at Thu Aug 20 16:38:43 2020 (Elapsed Time: 49 minutes 37 seconds)

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7 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

cell size? (rows columns)

Does it work outside the model run manually?

... sort of retired...
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New Contributor III

The raster settings are based on a 10m DEM of the watershed that matches the extend of the polygon feature being converted.  When I just run Feature to Raster from the Toolbox, I get the same result.  I tried an integer-based 30 meter raster of the same extent just now and it completed in 2.8 seconds.  I guess the issue may be the 32-bit floating point raster at 10 meter resolution that is causing an issue.  I'll try an integer-based raster @ 10 m in the morning and see what happens to that.  Thanks for the reply!

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Integer would be best, especially if you want a raster table for other steps in the process

... sort of retired...
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Esri Regular Contributor

The output raster type (integer or float) is dictated by the input field type, in your case  HYDGRP_NUM.

What is the size of the output raster, i.e. how many rows and columns does it have?

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New Contributor III

Yes, understood.  What I'm simply noting is the difference between the raster used for the Cell Size parameter in the Tool.  When I use an integer-based raster for this, it works just fine.  When I was using a floating point raster for this, it hangs.  I tested using a 10 meter integer raster instead of the 30 meter integer raster, and it worked as well.  So, it doesn't seem to be the cell size but rather the pixel type of the referenced raster in the Cell Size parameter that seems to be causing the issue.

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New Contributor III

Resulting raster size is only 2495 x 883

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Esri Regular Contributor

...and the 10m and 30m rasters have the same spatial reference and I guess the one has a cell size of 10 and the other has cell size = 30?

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