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Maximum Likelihood Classification error 010328 and 010267 syntax error in parsing grid expression

02-03-2021 08:05 PM
New Contributor

I received error 010328 :syntax error at or near symbol and 010267 syntax error in parsing grid expression.

I used Maximum Likelihood Classification tool after I created signature file and saved it. In the tool, I put raster band (one satellite image) and signature file I created. Please explain why I am receiving these errors. I can't figure out where I got the errors. 



2 Replies
New Contributor

I was running into the same problem and error codes as well when trying to use both the iso cluster tool and maximum classification tool. 

I first used the "iso cluster" tool to create a signature file in ArcMap 10..  I was getting error codes 010328 and 010267 until I saved the output to my desktop with a really short file name ("iso.gsg").  After I did that, the iso cluster tool worked.  I copied it over back onto my google drive filestream directory where I have been doing my other geo-processing and renamed it "isocluster.gsg."  The maximum likelihood tool would not run and kept spitting out the same error codes.  I finally got it to work by copying the signature file back to my desktop with the name "iso.gsg."  I have no idea why that solved the problem... but it worked for me.  Might be work saving your signature file to a short name somewhere on your local drive? 

New Contributor II

ERROR 010328: Syntax error at or near symbol SPACE. ERROR 010267: Syntax error in parsing grid expression. The solution is to change the directory of your input data or signature files! To make sure the appearing directories don't have any space between the names.


Rachel Gomez

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