What would you use ArcGIS Urban for the most?

06-27-2019 08:41 AM
Esri Contributor

Whilst working on ArcGIS Urban, we put a lot of effort into building a web-based modeling and planning system that helps you improve urban planning and decision-making in your community.

ArcGIS Urban supports and facilitates myriads of use cases from many domains such as regional planning, urban planning, citizen engangement or site development to name just a few. That's why we would like to know a little bit more about what you would use ArcGIS Urban for the most?

  • Would you use it primarily as an internal modeling and planning system within an organization such as a planning department?
  • Would you use it as a platform to communicate about plans and projects?
  • Or would you use ArcGIS Urban to solve a problem you think we have not thought about whilst building it?

Tell us about it! We are happy to hear your thoughts and looking forward to develop an understanding within the community about current and potential future application examples of ArcGIS Urban.

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