60 Errors when importing Flex Viewer 2.2 src into Flash Builder 4 Standard

03-10-2011 12:54 PM
New Contributor
I am new to using Flash Builder and was advised to make some changes to a couple of mxml files to achieve the result I desired in an earlier post. When I import the src files folder as a Flex Project, I immediately have 60 errors. Most of them are 1046, 3 are 1120, 2 are 1172, 2 are 1180, and 2 cannot resolve <esri:Map> to a component implementation. I am not sure what to do. Any assistance would be much appreciated.
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2 Replies
Esri Contributor
How did you Import your project?
Could you try again following the steps mentioned in help doc at:
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New Contributor
Thank you. That resolved my issue. I was watching the "Create your own widget" video and the presenter used a folder instead of the file and I extracted the zip prior to importing it as a project resulting in the errors. Thanks again.:D Now to get the modifications to the mxml files done.
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