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03-05-2015 04:23 AM
New Contributor II


I am new to publishing geoprocessing services to flex viewer so I have a problem and can't find the solution myself.

I made a GP service that downloads files which are selected via fishnet.

My problems are:

1. How can I make a limitation for the max. number of  squares that can be selected in fishnet.

I tried in the script to make an if statement, but the script doesn't stop if less than 10 squares are chosen.

2. I would also like to make some messages in order to explain the user whih step of the process in going on.

3. Can i just zip the files on the argisoutput dierectory and provide the user the link to files, instead of directly downloading the files

in zip format  (like in ExtractData GP sample)?

I attached the python code for the GP.



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