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Application builder

01-01-2012 08:26 PM
New Contributor
Maybe a stupid question, but does anyone have a clue on what the application builder settings is looking for in the web server base folder if it is running on a remote machine?  I keep getting an error message saying "Please check your Web Server Base Folder URL", but can get to that URL directly on-line to the map I set up in the xml.  For the base folder, it seems to want a local folder.
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12 Replies
Occasional Contributor II
Map the location of the web folder on your machine and then use this connection in your Web Server Base Folder.
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New Contributor
After running the Flex app it said that i had team viewer running (which i did) and something about port 80.  So i disabled teamviewer port 80 and also uninstalled it. I cant seem to get past this "Please Check your web server base folder url!"

I dont think i understand the post above about mapping the drive? Do you mean map a drive to my server and the location of where?  I tried mapping a drive to the wwwroot folder on the server with no luck>

Thanks for you help.
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New Contributor II
Yes, been there.  You first need to map to the selected folder from your machine using My Computer.  If you cannot see it, as was in my case, you have to go to the Server, find the folder and activate Sharing permission for you.  Then, you will be able to browse to the Flexviewer folder that you are working with.  The next line will be the same folders URL.  Also, there is a problem with the Bing Maps Key, if you are using it.  You will have to manually input it.  Here is the link to the information -

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New Contributor
Map the drive to where? My server or my local machine?  do i just make a folder on my server and map a drive to it?

It said http://localhost/flexviewers/  but that dont seem to work after i uninstalled teamviewer.

To me localhost is my server i cant find a flexviewers folder on my machine or server. 

Thanks for the reply! I can  make a app from the AGS server manger (but thats no fun)

I just loaded this AGS Tues and once i get one thing fixed another pops right up.
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New Contributor
Ok see attached file. I map drives all day long. I know that when i want to send someone inside the company a email i must send them a direct link..

I dont understand what i am missing..
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Regular Contributor
Ok see attached file. I map drives all day long. I know that when i want to send someone inside the company a email i must send them a direct link..

I dont understand what i am missing..

It should look something like this......

Michael Miller
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New Contributor
Thanks for the reply..

Still no luck.
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Occasional Contributor II

I would review the "Getting Started" section of the Flex Viewer Concepts page: . My guess is that your IIS is not set up and/or you are placing the folders in the wrong place.

Also, keep in mind that the "/FlexViewers/" folder is just a sample location. You should be replacing it with where you are saving the Viewer folders on your server.

Myself as an example, I'm using the App Builder on my local machine to create the applications on the web server, 'gisdev'. I first map the C: drive of the web server on my local machine (\\gisdev\c$) and name it "G:". I am saving my apps at the web server's wwwroot folder level, so the path from my local machine to the web server is G:\inetpub\wwwroot\. Since I'm saving at this level, the URL to the web server's base folder (I'm using wwwroot) is simply http://gisdev/ .

EDIT: oh, and try using the newest application builder if you aren't:
I hope this helps.
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New Contributor

I would review the "Getting Started" section of the Flex Viewer Concepts page: . My guess is that your IIS is not set up and/or you are placing the folders in the wrong place.

Also, keep in mind that the "/FlexViewers/" folder is just a sample location. You should be replacing it with where you are saving the Viewer folders on your server.

Myself as an example, I'm using the App Builder on my local machine to create the applications on the web server, 'gisdev'. I first map the C: drive of the web server on my local machine (\\gisdev\c$) and name it "G:". I am saving my apps at the web server's wwwroot folder level, so the path from my local machine to the web server is G:\inetpub\wwwroot\. Since I'm saving at this level, the URL to the web server's base folder (I'm using wwwroot) is simply http://gisdev/ .

EDIT: oh, and try using the newest application builder if you aren't:
I hope this helps.

would review the "Getting Started" section of the Flex Viewer Concepts page:

Read Read Read!!

This is all i needed to do was read! LOL sometimes i worry about me.

Let me at least give myself an excuse.  I just took intro to Server in January in Redlands. I loaded this Flex viewer up and it installed and was working within a few mins. I know for a fact i did not have to mess with these settings lol ( i was sitting on an esri classroom machine)

Long story short all i had to do was copy the flexviewers folder to the server (like it says to do in the link above)   Lesson learned! (this time)

Thank you to everyone that replied!

Jesse B.
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