EditWidget 3.0, no attribute list, site freezes

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06-06-2013 10:18 AM
New Contributor III
Hey all:

I am using the 3.0 version of the Edit Widget and running into problems.  The widget sees my SDE feature layer, and allows me to add and delete features.

However, none of the fields in the layer display in the Attributes window (see the first attached screen capture).  As a consequence, I cannot edit the attribute data and can only close the window or delete the feature.  There's no OK button.  Furthermore, any action I take using the widget freezes the screen, navigation tools, etc., and forces me to refresh the site.

Any edits i have made to the geometry are reflected only after I refresh.

In the service, there's a section called Templates that includes only two prototype attributes (see the second attached screen capture).  Is this the problem?

I don't see anywhere in the SDE nor in the MXD where I can alter a prototype template.  All of the fields in the feature class are editable; most, but not all, are turned on; there are a couple of domains for fields like County and MapStatus.

Here's the site: http://gis.ncdcr.gov/cleansite/default.htm?config=EditTest.xml

Feel free to test drive it.  Please don't delete anything existing except the black X boxes or green check boxes though!

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1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
New Contributor III
Hey all:

I am using the 3.0 version of the Edit Widget and running into problems.  The widget sees my SDE feature layer, and allows me to add and delete features.

However, none of the fields in the layer display in the Attributes window (see the first attached screen capture).  As a consequence, I cannot edit the attribute data and can only close the window or delete the feature.  There's no OK button.  Furthermore, any action I take using the widget freezes the screen, navigation tools, etc., and forces me to refresh the site.

Any edits i have made to the geometry are reflected only after I refresh.

In the service, there's a section called Templates that includes only two prototype attributes (see the second attached screen capture).  Is this the problem?

I don't see anywhere in the SDE nor in the MXD where I can alter a prototype template.  All of the fields in the feature class are editable; most, but not all, are turned on; there are a couple of domains for fields like County and MapStatus.

Here's the site: http://gis.ncdcr.gov/cleansite/default.htm?config=EditTest.xml

Feel free to test drive it.  Please don't delete anything existing except the black X boxes or green check boxes though!


I have no problems when I test your site. When I click on a symbol I get the attribute box (see picture1.jpg).

Unfortunately, I have the same problem as you describe but in version 3.3 (and 3.2). The edit widget has worked for me before with the same service and the same data. I have not changed any settings.

View solution in original post

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8 Replies
by Anonymous User
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Original User: andrewedmonds

Forgot to include the XML code:


     <layer label="Unverified locations (50K)" type="feature" visible="true" alpha="1.0"
  popupconfig="popups/PopUp_Crowds.xml"  >


I haven't made any changes to EditWidget.xml save to change the <updateattributes> tag from false to true.
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New Contributor III
Hey all:

I am using the 3.0 version of the Edit Widget and running into problems.  The widget sees my SDE feature layer, and allows me to add and delete features.

However, none of the fields in the layer display in the Attributes window (see the first attached screen capture).  As a consequence, I cannot edit the attribute data and can only close the window or delete the feature.  There's no OK button.  Furthermore, any action I take using the widget freezes the screen, navigation tools, etc., and forces me to refresh the site.

Any edits i have made to the geometry are reflected only after I refresh.

In the service, there's a section called Templates that includes only two prototype attributes (see the second attached screen capture).  Is this the problem?

I don't see anywhere in the SDE nor in the MXD where I can alter a prototype template.  All of the fields in the feature class are editable; most, but not all, are turned on; there are a couple of domains for fields like County and MapStatus.

Here's the site: http://gis.ncdcr.gov/cleansite/default.htm?config=EditTest.xml

Feel free to test drive it.  Please don't delete anything existing except the black X boxes or green check boxes though!


I have no problems when I test your site. When I click on a symbol I get the attribute box (see picture1.jpg).

Unfortunately, I have the same problem as you describe but in version 3.3 (and 3.2). The edit widget has worked for me before with the same service and the same data. I have not changed any settings.
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: oleg


I have such problem with Viewer for Flex 3.3 Russian, EditWidget.

I can create new features, and I can update new feature' s geometry and attributes . But I couldn't edit old features created in ArcMap in geodatabase in some feature classes.  My Flex Builder freeze and 2-3 minutes later I can see attribute form without attributes. Feature geometry is also without nodes. I can edit only some features in another  feature class.

And I can edit this feature service correctly  in Silverlight Viewer for ArcGIS. 

Sorry for my poor English.

Oleg Lukyanov

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New Contributor II

Not sure this is a related problem.
I'm using Flex-Viewer 3.3 pointing to an ArcGIS server 10.0 sp5 (database based on arcsde 10 and postgresql 8.4).
There is a mapservice with a layer of polygons related to a table.
When the info popup window shows up, sometimes it gets frozen and cpu goes to 100%. I noticed that if "f=json" all works properly, if "f=amf" the widget gets stuck (f.i. http://localhost/arcgis/rest/services/pkt305_maps/Mapm_dataset_spdata_production3/MapServer/57/query... )

Do you have any suggestion?
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: richardthompson

I'm also having problems with the v3.3 Edit widget using the uncompiled source code from github. I'm getting errors in flash builder that it can't find references to certain skin files relating to the attribute inspector...

Unable to locate specified base class 'com.esri.ags.skins.fieldClasses.CalendarField' for component class 'widgets.Edit.EditWidgetAttributeInspectorSkinInnerClass1'. EditWidgetAttributeInspectorSkin.mxml

Unable to locate specified base class 'com.esri.ags.skins.fieldClasses.CodedValueDomainField' for component class 'widgets.Edit.EditWidgetAttributeInspectorSkinInnerClass0'. EditWidgetAttributeInspectorSkin.mxml

Unable to locate specified base class 'com.esri.ags.skins.fieldClasses.DoubleField' for component class 'widgets.Edit.EditWidgetAttributeInspectorSkinInnerClass2'. EditWidgetAttributeInspectorSkin.mxml

I'm getting 12 errors all of the same nature, if you're using the compiled version of the viewer it sounds like the same problem, it can't open the attribute editor because the skin files are incorrect. I'll open up a support call with ESRI and see what happens.
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Frequent Contributor

Have you used the "master" branch or "develop" branch from github. The "develop" branch at different times might have fixes that require the next version of the API Library that is not released yet, hence why you may receive errors when compiling.


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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: rzufelt


I too am able to see the attribute popup on your site as Klas did.

At least, after I dismiss your flashplayer errors that pop up twice:

Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'ViewerStrings' for locale 'en_US'.
 at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundle()
 at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundles()
 at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/installCompiledResourceBundles()
 at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/docFrameHandler()
 at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/docFrameListener()

added HPO Site ID: ident

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New Contributor III
Well, the widget is working for me, too, after we rebooted the services.  I am going to mark this as an answered thread; those of you with unanswered questions may want to open new threads.

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