Flex Viewer 2.2 released!

12-10-2010 12:52 PM
Esri Regular Contributor
Today we released version 2.2 of both ArcGIS API for Flex and ArcGIS Viewer for Flex.

Among the highlights to both Flex API and Flex Viewer:
�?� Support for arcgis.com web maps
�?� Legend Component in the API and Legend Widget in the Viewer
�?� Undo/redo while editing

API 2.2 What�??s New

Viewer 2.2 What�??s New
Tags (2)
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32 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

We'll look at supporting wkid on the layer tag for type "wms" in a future release.

As a work-around, you can try this:

<layer label="NOAA Infrared Satellite"

This seems to work but is service dependent. Any additional url parameters are sent by the API in its requests to the servcie. The API will overwrite any it uses, but since it's case-sensitive and it uses SRS, then both srs and SRS will be sent and in this instance, the service seems to look for the srs parameter first.
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New Contributor

How can I make to work query, search, or something like "identify" but with a wms layer(wms url)?

In config I have:

<layer label="axa2"

and in query:

    <fields all="false">
        <field name="LV" />
        <field name="LV1" />
        <field name="LV2" />
        <field name="AREA" />

I know WMS service it's a image format, but also WMS have getFeatureInfo,.... how to use this in arcgis viewer 2.2?
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Occasional Contributor III
it seems like it would be nice if the developers on this forum where able to get prior notice of updates to the viewer releases. that way they could publish fresh version of their GREAT samples. at the moment all the samples in the code gallery are set to run on version 2.1. with the download now set by Esri to 2.2 those users like myself who don't have flexbuilder or the knowledge to compile the raw code this out-of-sync state is sort of frustrating.
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Occasional Contributor
Cynthia (and others), to migrate your 2.1 viewers:

A) If working with the compiled version:

  1. Download the new viewer.

  2. Copy your modified xml's file over to the new viewer.

  3. Review What's new to see if there's something new you want to take advantage of.

B) If working with the source code:

  1. Download the new viewer.

  2. Copy your modified xml's file over to the new viewer.

  3. Review What's new to see if there's something new you want to take advantage of.

  4. For changes made in the mxml files ... depends.  If it was something that was fixed, then do nothing.  For fixes that you want to migrate over, the best way is probably to compare that specific mxml and integrate your changes with ours.

After corrupting my map configuration with what I thought was a reasonable "migration path", I had to search for an hour before I found this simple instruction.  Could it be included in the "What's New" page next time?

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New Contributor III
The overviewMapWidget doesn't work in this new release because it only displays a blank window (see attached file). However, in previous release it works fine. Any help? You can see at following my  overviewMapWidget.xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <!-- possible values for initialstate: open or closed (default) -->
    <!-- by default it will use the same basemap as current main map,
         you can hardcode as below if you wish -->
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Occasional Contributor III

We'll look at supporting wkid on the layer tag for type "wms" in a future release.

As a work-around, you can try this:

<layer label="NOAA Infrared Satellite"

This seems to work but is service dependent. Any additional url parameters are sent by the API in its requests to the servcie. The API will overwrite any it uses, but since it's case-sensitive and it uses SRS, then both srs and SRS will be sent and in this instance, the service seems to look for the srs parameter first.

Hi Dasa,

I tried this, but the service never shows up on the map.  My viewer is set up to use the WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere projection.  What am I missing?

Beyond that, is there any way to set an autorefresh for the WMS, like Dynamic and ArcIMS services?  Is there a workaround for this?

Thanks for your help!
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Esri Contributor
The overviewMapWidget doesn't work in this new release because it only displays a blank window

Thanks for reporting the bug. This will be fixed in next release.
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Occasional Contributor
Cynthia (and others), to migrate your 2.1 viewers:

B) If working with the source code:

  1. Download the new viewer.

  2. Copy your modified xml's file over to the new viewer.

  3. Review What's new to see if there's something new you want to take advantage of.

  4. For changes made in the mxml files ... depends.  If it was something that was fixed, then do nothing.  For fixes that you want to migrate over, the best way is probably to compare that specific mxml and integrate your changes with ours.

I am in the process of migrating my modifications from 2.1 to 2.2, and for every code module and configuration file I wonder if there are any changes at all to the new version.  If I knew there were no changes I could just use my previous file, but I'm going through the tedious process of finding all my modifications and editing them into the new files. 

At the risk of asking too much, would it be too difficult to put a date and/or version number in each file (.xml, .mxml, .as) so we could save some time with the migration?  Or perhaps provide a list of changed or unchanged files (whichever is easier)?

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New Contributor
For the sake of discussion, I used a combination of two free programs to migrate from 2.1 to 2.2.  I used PathSync to examine the two directories for changes and then 'compare' plugin in Notepad++ to view and update xmls side by side.
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New Contributor II
Does the legend widget require Server 10?  I checked the FAQ, but it only said time and editing required 10.  The widget loads and opens when I click it, but the layer icon with the red X over is the only thing that shows.  There really is no config for this widget, so Im not sure what else it could be.
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