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Heat Map on ArcGIS Viewer for Flex

03-07-2011 12:04 PM
New Contributor

   I'm trying to implement a heat map on my ArcGIS viewer using the code posted on the following link:

But still I'm not getting anything running yet as I'm not sure if it's compatible with the Viewer for Flex or not.

Any idea?
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xander       [INDENT]   [/INDENT] 

I had multiple issues with that link, I was able to implement this though...
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New Contributor II
hhhmmmm. I had no issue. I just downloaded and deployed this morning.
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Occasional Contributor
Anyone have luck implimenting the heatmap widget found here:

in the new 2.4 viewer?


~ D
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Occasional Contributor
Sample updated to support ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 2.4
ArcGIS Viewer for Flex HeatMapWidget

Sorry about that.

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Occasional Contributor
I'll plug this in ASAP.  Thanks!
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Occasional Contributor

Got it working like a charm! Its a VERY nice widget.

Just one question - the record set I have the widget pointing at has about 30,000 records, yet the widget reports "1000 features contained", even when zoomed out to the entire record set. However, the heat graphics produced seemingly covers the entire dataset and displays correct information, despite the "1000" number. Any explanation for this? Its probably me not understanding something, so any answer would be appreciated.

Thanks again!

~ D

Never mind, answered my own question - but to anyone else who may have the same question I did - remember to change the "Maximum Number of Records Returned By Server" value under "Map Service Properties" to match the amount of data you want this widget to measure.... 😉
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Occasional Contributor
I tried updating my application, but got 2 errors:
  <esri_stl:ArcGISHeatMapLayer id="heatMapLayer" url="{m_url}"
One for the heatmaptest and the other for the heatmaptime test mxml

Can anyone help?
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New Contributor
Works great.

Question about the heat map time line function.

The residual data does not leave the map as the slider is progressed through the date range.

eg, I have 10 various xy points for 1980, then another various 10 points for 1981, but as I move the slider from 1980 to 1981 I no longer have 10 points only I have a cumulative 20 points and thus the heat spot increases. Is this by design? or can it be changed to only reflect the data as requested by the given date range of the slider request.


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