Make Web App Builder web page zoom-able so it can be used on small interfaces.

09-24-2015 01:36 PM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor III

Please make the web-page interface for Web App Builder so that it can zoom on smaller devices.

I tested using Web App Builder on my Galaxy Note 4 and it worked OK, except for one thing that is a show stopper.  There is a control panel on the left side of WAB for selecting themes, maps, widgets, etc., and it does not zoom with the rest of the WAB web page.  Consequently, it fills nearly the whole screen on the Note 4 display and leaves almost no room for configuring the map.  It would work great if the WAB control panel would zoom along with the rest of the WAB web interface so that it could be used on smaller devices, such as the "phablet" form factor.  Please make the control panel on the WAB zoom along with the rest of the page.