Web AppBuilder Search/Geocoder widget

09-23-2015 11:08 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor III
The Search widget that replaced the Geocoder widget in Web AppBuilde (1.2) has been great.  However, I would like to know if the following enhancements can be made to the widget and/or the ability of the developer to configure the widget.

1) Allow the Popup or InfoWindow to be moved around by the user.

2) Allow configuring of the Popup or InfoWindow in AGOL and WAB, not just AGOL.

3) Allow customizing of the search results (map) symbology.  As of now it doesn't appear to be possible in the widget's CSS or configurable in the widget setup.  It has to be done through adding code to apps\#\widgets\Search\widget.js and apps\#\configs\Search\config_Search.json.  A special thanks to Robert Scheitlin for help with that.

4) Allow more than one field to be displayed in the results list.  Maybe limit it to two or three and have the option to show more than one field be configured in the setup just like one can select fields on which the widget searches?  And, have the results display be configurable so text can be added or symbols inserted between field names?

Thanks to the WAB for all of their hard work and continued improvement of WAB.
1 Comment
Can I add to this list the ability to control what coordinate system for entering in a coordinate pair to search on.  Not sure to start another idea or if you could add to this one.  The enhanced locate widget that Robert S. provides would be a good template.