Workforce integration with Field Maps

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01-28-2021 12:28 PM
Occasional Contributor II


I have upgraded to 10.8.1, installed the Workforce general patch and Field Maps 20.4.0. When creating a new Workforce project, under the advanced tab, Field Maps do not show up in the App Integration Window. It shows Collector, Explorer, Navigator, survey123, but no Field Maps.

I've restarted computers and servers and logged out and back in, but no change. Field Maps functions correctly, I've mad a couple of maps. It seems confusing, when I launch the the Resources tab in Workforce project manager page it takes me to help that seems to be for the previous version, it talks about expanding the App Integration, but that was in the last version. Any Ideas?

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1 Solution

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Esri Regular Contributor


Support for Field Maps integration is not in the 10.8.1 setups for Workforce. You can setup this up by running one of our Python scripts to add the app integration to Field Maps.  We're also considering at a general patch to add this capability to Workforce but the earliest we would do that would be after the Spring release of Online in late March.  However, the ability to integrate Field Maps with Workforce is in the Enterprise 10.9 release. So we are encouraging sites who need that capability and do not want to use the Python route to upgrade.


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29 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor


Support for Field Maps integration is not in the 10.8.1 setups for Workforce. You can setup this up by running one of our Python scripts to add the app integration to Field Maps.  We're also considering at a general patch to add this capability to Workforce but the earliest we would do that would be after the Spring release of Online in late March.  However, the ability to integrate Field Maps with Workforce is in the Enterprise 10.9 release. So we are encouraging sites who need that capability and do not want to use the Python route to upgrade.


by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi Craig, 

I have the same problem with the integration of Field Maps in Workforce (I'm using ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1). I already installed the General Patch and Field Maps 20.4, but the Field Maps extension does not appear yet. I read about your Python script to add integration to Field Maps. Unfortunatelly, by browsing the link that you attached ( I did not find any script to add the Field Maps extension. 

Where can I find  the Python script to add Field Maps as extension of my Workforce project in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1?

Thanks in advance, 


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Esri Regular Contributor
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Thank you Craig, 

I was able to add Field Maps to my Workforce project. Now I'll have to continue to configure my project using API. Do you have any example that explain how to continue the configuration?


Thanks again, 


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Esri Regular Contributor

Sure, here's an example that integrates at the project level to a web map and passes the WorkOrderID to a field called FACILITYID in the target layer in the map:<itemid>&referenceContext=addFeature&geometry=${assignment.latit...>/arcgis/rest/services/Backflow_Inspection_Holistic/FeatureServer/0&featureAttributes=%7B%22FACILITYID%22:%22${assignment.workorderid}%22%7D

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Occasional Contributor

Hi Craig,

Does the Python script you reference above to integrate the new Workforce with Field Maps have to be run just one time to set things up? Or does it have to be run continually every time there is a new assignment generated?




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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Molly,

No, you just need to run the script once and set it for the Workforce project. If anyone has the project open in mobile they will need re-open the project for the changes to take effect.


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New Contributor

Hi Craig.

Is there an update on the integration between Workforce and Field Maps general patch?

Thanks in advance


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Esri Regular Contributor

Hello, I don't have any updates on the patch. It's still a consideration but other priorities are precede it.  For now, our recommendation is to use the Python API workflow to enable the Workforce to Field Maps integration.


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