Changing Symbology Based On A Date Attribute In ArcPad

06-05-2013 12:06 PM
Occasional Contributor II
I would like to symbolize dynamically using a Date field and am having trouble. ArcPad will not differentiate on the date field, but it works for other attributes. The layer that is employed is a file geodatabase feature class. I think it may have worked with the date field for symbolization when it was in shapefile format, but now it is not working as a feature class. It only draws the points for Northfield, but does not observe the date field parameter. However, it looks good with ArcMap. Here is an example of some of the definition querries I've attempted:



Should I not be using [] brackets or something?

These work well in ArcMap but do not translate into ArcPad and what I end up getting is two layers that draw all of the points only within Northfield. Within ArcMap, when the [DATE_] field has a date entered, the point feature turns red, all points are drawn twice in ArcPad.
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Occasional Contributor II

As I continued to research my issue, I found the suggestion several times to simply set the symbology on the desired value and then to something differently when that value has changed.  This can be done within ArcMap from the Symbology Tab under Show: Categories (or Quantities depending on your needs).  However, when I would set this it would not keep the definition query and draw all the points, instead of working as it did when I first attempted this.  I beleive the first time I attempted this the data was in shapefile format and that they may have been the key difference.

I looked more closely at my data and I then realized that when my database was first set up (not by my office) that the Personal Geodatabase format was employed and not the File Geodatabase format. 

When I switched file formats of the data, I than changed my definition query to only query those points located in 'NORTHFILED' and I set the symbology to be on the Date field.  When the Date field is null the point is green, when the value of the Date field changes, it then switches to red. 

Although I did not attempt to employ the compound definition query, as per my originally posted question, this is working as anticipated now by changing file formats and employing symbology based on Date field values.

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