Find Address on Desktop using Streetmap

08-16-2011 09:26 AM
New Contributor
I got Streetmap up and running.  However when I try to find an address on the desktop - it won't work.  I don't get the choices - all I get are 3 grayed out choices (convert location to stop, barrier, or pushpin) under the 123 icon (which when hovered upon says it's the find street address icon).  Nothing like it says in help.  What am I missing?
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5 Replies
New Contributor
OK - now how do I remove these annoying placemarkers on my screen.  Help is not!
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New Contributor
I am also having the same issues on the Handheld - Mobile.  No way to search for an address.  Locations pop up when you touch the screen - but can't be removed.  Help does not bring up anything about removing locations from the screen.  When you try to edit them - the delete X buttons don't work - either in the location box or the Edit Stops tool.  I hardly even use Streetmap for this - I mainly use it for a background map to navigate to a site - in remote areas without addresses.  But I thought I'd play around with it in town and learn how it works finally.  Seems excessively difficult.  With other GPS only units I never even have to look help up, they are intuitive.
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New Contributor
Here are screenshots of what I am seeing (ArcpadStreetmaps?.jpg) compared to what help says I should be seeing (Fromhelp.jpg), in the Navigation Toolbar/ Find Address Tool.  No address location buttons. 

Also - the addresses that popup when you click on areas of the map (with the Find Address Tool engaged) in the desktop version go away easily.  Multiple 'location points'  don't get created, if you click somewhere else the last one goes away and only the current one stays.  And you can right-click and remove them, or convert them to stops, pushpins, or barriers.  That functionality is not there on the hand-held (well I can convert them, but then still can't delete them).  Maybe I'm missing something basic - like how to emulate right-clicking or something?  Like i said, I hardly every map with the touchscreen.  I've used Arcpad for several years, and almost all I do is map with GPS (points, polygons, and polylines), and enter data in forms.  But I really want to use Streetmap to it's potential.  I'm doing more urban projects right now too, and this layer will be very useful.
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Esri Regular Contributor
Hi Steven,

Your screenshot of ArcPad StreetMap toolbar doesn't look the same as the default toolbar (see image below). I recommend contacting Esri Support so you can work with ArcPad specialist to troubleshoot this behavior.
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Frequent Contributor
This issue is a result of [CQ00312788 Bug: when multiple toolbars are merged, drop down menus are incorrectly aligned] which is expected to be resolved in ArcPad 10.0 SP3.

In the meantime, it is necessary to manually remove the "Add Default Navigation Map Layer" tool from the StreetMap toolbar using Design Mode on the desktop and then transfer the modified ArcPad.apx file onto your mobile device.

I created a video which walks through this process.  (

Sorry for the inconvenience!
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