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Map Display Units in Arc Reader

07-07-2010 12:38 AM
New Contributor
I created a map in ArcMap 9.3.1 and published it to a .pmf file for ArcReader. When I open the Map in ArcReader, the Geo Coordinate which appear at the right bottom of the screen appear in Decimal Deg whereas in Arc Map while publishing they were in Deg Min Sec. I checked the data frame properties by right clicking on data frame in TOC and Data view properties from Tools>options but of no help. So can someone please help me to make the Geo Coordinates appear in Deg Min Sec?
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4 Replies
New Contributor
I am having exactly the opposite problem in ArcGIS 10.   The Data Frame in my mxd is set to display cursor coordinates in decimal degrees in the status bar, but when I publish the map to pmf and open it in ArcReader, the display reverts to degrees-minutes-seconds, even though the Data Frame Properties in the pmf states that the coordinates are decimal degrees.
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New Contributor
I have the exact same problem as the above poster, anyone got a solution?
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New Contributor II
I wonder if this is something that's been fixed in the service pack 1 for ArcReader 10? Does anyone know?


No, it's not!
I'm using the service pack 3 and I get the same problem.

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New Contributor II
And I was hoping it was just me, or there was a work-around. Seems likely that ESRI "fixed" it for 9.3, perhaps thinking folks would want DMS instead of DD  (easier to look up on topo maps?)  I'd like to add my voice to the chorus asking that this be fixed, too, please!
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