Is it possible create annotation feature class with Case tool?

10-07-2010 01:34 AM
New Contributor III
Hi all

I'm using Visio 2007 professional edition qith ArcGIS 9.3.1.
I would like to add some annotaion feature class in a model I'm designing. Form the documentation I've read it is not immediatly evident if it is possible to do it  and how I can manage to add the annotation.
thank you for any hint about it.


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13 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
Hi Stefano,

Annotation classes are not supported with CASE/UML schema generation for geodatabases.

Some resources:

Hope this helps,
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Occasional Contributor III
I'd like to see a UML Profile of the Geodatabase so that I could use a tool like Enterprise Architect for round-trip geodatabase design. I believe the XML Schema of the Geodatabase (and XML Workspace Documents) exhaustively describes everything that can be contained in a GDB. And of course ArcCatalog can import and export XML Workspace Documents.

I created an idea on for a UML profile for geodatabase design here. Vote on it if you'd like:
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Esri Frequent Contributor

There is an excellent tool called the Geodatabase Diagrammer for working with Geodatabase designs using the XML Workspace document. This can be found on the Resource Centre at

The advice recently is to consider moving away from UML as a means of modelling Geodatabases - see the following link for more information:


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New Contributor

In response to Dana's original request, Sparx recently released a beta implementation of its UML profile for ArcGIS. Schema import and export are included for ArcGIS 10. Details at:

The beta profile was included in the release of Enterprise Architect 9, Build 908 .

In response to Stefano's query: Annotation was not included in the first beta release, however it is being developed for the next beta.

Sparx is interested in any feedback and suggestions for improvement before officially releasing its support of ArcGIS in EA.

I hope this helps.

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Occasional Contributor III

In response to Dana's original request, Sparx recently released a beta implementation of its UML profile for ArcGIS. Schema import and export are included for ArcGIS 10. Details at:

The beta profile was included in the release of Enterprise Architect 9, Build 908 .

In response to Stefano's query: Annotation was not included in the first beta release, however it is being developed for the next beta.

Sparx is interested in any feedback and suggestions for improvement before officially releasing its support of ArcGIS in EA.

I hope this helps.


Hi Ben,

I'll take a look. If true this is the best possible news I've heard while attending Esri's International User Conference here in San Diego. Eagerly looking forward to trying it out.

It's especially auspicious because we're having a Geodatabase Modeling and Design Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting here today at the conference, Wed 7/13, from 12 to 1pm in room 29C. It's only on the online agenda and not printed agenda, so I hope the word continues to get out.

More details are available about 3 or 4 blog posts down here:

To anyone reading before 12 noon today Pacific time, please get the word out to your friends, colleagues, and associated about the SIG.

There's an associated GDB modeling tool requirements survey associated with the SIG at the following URL. It will remain open until August 31st. So far, 62 people has taken the survey:


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Occasional Contributor III
Sparx is interested in any feedback and suggestions for improvement before officially releasing its support of ArcGIS in EA.
I hope this helps.

Confirmed at the UC. 🙂

Ben, where / how / to whom specifically should Esri users submit feedback and suggestions on this UML profile of the geodatabase / ArcGIS UML Profile? I would like to know where to direct readers of my blog with an interest in the profile.

I hope many use the profile and that it is a success. This could go a long way in improving integration of GIS with the rest of Enterprise IT. Someone I deeply respect recently told me, "Enterprise GIS needs Enterprise tools." I couldn't agree more.
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New Contributor
Confirmed at the UC. 🙂

Ben, where / how / to whom specifically should Esri users submit feedback and suggestions on this UML profile of the geodatabase / ArcGIS UML Profile? I would like to know where to direct readers of my blog with an interest in the profile.


Thanks for catching this omission. The best way to provide feedback is via our online support forms.

For registered EA users, the link is:

For trial users, the link is:

These forms will direct queries to our support team, who will follow-up via email.

Thanks for your encouraging responses already.

0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor III

Thanks for catching this omission. The best way to provide feedback is via our online support forms.

For registered EA users, the link is:

For trial users, the link is:

These forms will direct queries to our support team, who will follow-up via email.

Thanks for your encouraging responses already.


You're very welcome Ben. Hope you get the user feedback you desire.

Here's my write-up of the Geodatabase Modeling and Design Special Interest Group (SIG) event from the 2011 International UC:

"A View of the Geodatabase Modeling and Design SIG Event at Esri�??s 2011 International User Conference":
0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor III
The geodatabase modeling and design requirements survey closes tomorrow (Wed) August 31st at 11:59pm Eastern US time. Thanks to those who've already participated. It's a user-driven survey I helped create in support of the Geodatabase Modeling and Design Special Interest Group (SIG) for Esri's 2011 International User Conference.

I'd love to see more International representation. Most responses are from the US. Qualitative answers (text entries) are more valuable than quantitative ones (check boxes, etc). Please mention specific use cases and anything that would help in your daily work. Skip whatever isn't relevant. The survey isn't just for experts. It's for anyone who designs geodatabases. Of particular interest to me in designing the survey was integration of Enterprise GDB Design with Relational Database Design and the rest of Enterprise IT.

A summary of survey results will be posted to my blog,, by October 31st.

Direct survey link:

A review of the 2011 SIG event can be found below. Hope to do another in 2012:
A View of the Geodatabase Modeling and Design SIG Event at Esri�??s 2011 International User Conference
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