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FileGDBAPI.dll is not compatible with programs using static C runtime library

05-21-2013 07:56 AM
New Contributor
I get data corruption and and an assertion in the destructor for wstring parameters passed across the API when I compile the sample programs or my own product using the non-DLL version of the Runtime Library in Visual Studio 2012.

Specifically, if I change the C/C++ Code Generation Runtime Library from Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd) to Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd), the sample program crashes.

My own software uses MFC in a Static Library (not a shared DLL) and therefore requires the non-DLL runtime libraries. Many other APIs come with multiple versions to support multiple runtime options. See an example here:

Please release a version of the DLL compiled for the static C runtime.

Tested with Windows 8, Visual Studio 2012.

Debug Assertion Failed!
File: ..\self_x86\crt\src\dbgheap.c
Line: 1424
Expression: _pFirstBlock == pHead

Here's a snippet of code from the Display sample:

  // Iterate through the results, populating the results vector.
  Row row;
  PointShapeBuffer geometry;
  Point* point;
  while (enumRows.Next(row) == S_OK)
     wstring cityName;
     row.GetString(L"CITY_NAME", cityName);

// get error when cityName's destructor is called
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3 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
I prefer to use static libraries as well, but the FGDB API is not released static.  It is released
for VS2008/VS2010/VS2012 on 32-bit/64-bit with Release/Debug (12 different environments).
Adding static/dynamic would make it 24. I just don't see that happening.

- V
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New Contributor
I also experienced crashes in FileGDB API while destructing wstring when I had my code compiled into a static lib.  But this was happening only when I was testing my static lib code using Visual Studio C++ unit tests.  Everything worked fine when using a console application or a dll linking to static lib.  I thought this is a Microsoft bug in C++ unit test framework and ignored the crash.  After seeing your post, it seems there is some bug in FileGDB C++ API that we see crashes in wstring destruction.
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New Contributor II
Setting the C/C++ Code Generation Runtime Library to Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd) helps in Visual Studio 2012, but when I compiled my code in Visual Studio 2013 Preview and ran it, even that option led to the runtime error mentioned above. So it is probably not only a static linking problem.
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