polygon in polygon analysis - count if

11-21-2010 11:43 AM
New Contributor II
I'm currently trying to perform a polygon in polygon analysis not unlike the one in Hawth's tools.

In Hawth's tools you can perform a count of polygons within another polygon. Pretty simple. So You end up with another field on your original file with the count.

What I want to do is count the polygons within a polygon if they satisfy certain criteria. In this case if the attribute is equal to 1, there may be 127 polygons in the polygon but only 20 with values that equal 1

Is there anyway of a) replicating the hawthe's polygon in polygon analysis using scripts (or other geoprocessing functions) and then performing a kind of count if?

Essentially the tool performs a select by location function over and over again and then perfoms a count function.

Probably haven't explained this very well but any help any one can give me would be much appreciated


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1 Reply
New Contributor II

Thanks for the reply - (and to Dan Patterson) that looks like it will work - will try it out later this week.
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