How much a person required statistical knowledge while using ESRI products for Analysis in Research or Projects.

02-22-2024 10:20 PM
New Contributor II

I am facing many issues while having less knowledge for the analysis. So if a person using the products of ESRI how much amount of understanding of statistical processes person needs??

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4 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

You don't need to be a statistics professor, but it certainly helps to have some baseline knowledge about how to use and interpret the result of a geoprocessing tool. Could you name the particular tools you are interested in?

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New Contributor II

its not about specific tool its about to know the outputs from the process 

New Contributor III

Analysis isn't always about statistics. It really comes down to the questions you're trying to answer.

Can you give examples of the issues you mentioned? Or can you give an example of what your boss and/or clients have asked you to do?

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New Contributor III

To do it right, you ought to understand which test is appropriate for the information you are analyzing.  But it has been my experience that you don't need to know anything about the rules of statistical assumptions to just plug any ol' data into any ol' tool, create some kind of output and carry on with your day.  I have enrolled in an ESRI-hosted course that had us run basic stats on a dataset that showed extreme kurtosis, and then was instructed to use Parametric Statistics in the ensuing analyses. 😫

Just remember, "Garbage In, Garbage Out."  If the Test you want to run is inappropriate to use with the data you have, use a different, more appropriate test.  Otherwise, while you will be handed a 'result' from the processing tool, it means bupkis.

...That ESRI doesn't really provide any context for the provided tools is a pet peeve.  

Here is a small chart from one of my better University Professors.  He taught Experimental Design/Quantitative Analysis.


I do miss being able to run Semivariograms to look at data distribution and autocorrelation properly.

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