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16 bit GeoTiff imported as 8-bit

12-18-2017 11:11 AM
New Contributor II

I have a geotiff file of Worldview-3, 8-band, satellite imagery. When I view the file in R it indicates the data are 16-bit. A quick view from GDALinfo indicates that it is: "16-bit, unsigned". Similarly, there are a lot more than 255 levels in the raw data. The values for each band range from 1-2047.

However, when I bring this file into ArcMap and view its properties it shows pixel depth of "8-bit, unsigned integer" and the levels are 0-255 for each band. Is there a way to import this with all of the data? I am just dragging this file from ArcCatalog into Arcmap, is there a better way to import this file with the raw data? The RGB plots look fine, but I don't want to throw away data for classifications later. Thanks,

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4 Replies
MVP Emeritus

try adding it using conventional means rather than dragging

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New Contributor II

This doesn't help. In fact if I just look at the properties in ArcCatalog it shows a pixel depth of 8-bit. If I add data to ArcMap through the "add data" icon I get the same thing, 8-bit.   

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MVP Emeritus

Never heard of anything downgrade from 16 bit to 8 bit just by viewing... reclassification/rescaling yes... but you indicate that values exceed 255 in each band.

A third party view of the image might solve it to ensure that values are indeed beyond the 8-bit possible range.

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Esri Regular Contributor

I have also not see this before. Are there other files with similar name but different extension in the same directory. Eg xxx.aux.xml or xxx.imd. It is possible that one of these side car file is redefining the properties. If this is the case try copying just the .tif file to a separate directory and open it there. Check if this shows 8 or 16bit/band. Also Note that if there is an .imd file with the image then ArcGIS can open the imd file as a raster product and ingest much of the metadata. If this is the case you should see an file with the same name but a small satellite icon in catalog. If you open this it may provide different options. When the image is opened also check if any functions have been applied to it.