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How to maintain all raster value input in Weighted Sum output?

03-17-2020 07:59 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

How do you maintain all input raster values in a weighted sum calculation so that the output raster contains ALL of the contributing raster values? It seems like the output only includes a calculation and extent only where ALL of the rasters overlap, and doesn't include the values where there is not a total overlap.

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1 Reply
MVP Emeritus

I assume you have already tried to set the extent to the combined extent of the rasters, even if this entails specifying this in the Environments tab from a manual determination.

If you have already tried that, then you may have some work to do.

There is no information in the help regarding nodata values.  or differing extents.

I suspect you may have to make copies of the inputs that you want to use, specifying a combined extent.  Use a common cell size and snap raster.  The no data values could be reclassed to 0,  *if appropriate* to enable summation on a cell by cell basis.

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