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Split raster tool doesn't work with Mosaics (black output)

09-17-2014 05:04 PM
Occasional Contributor III

Here's my problem: I need to automate conversion/extraction of aerial imagery held in a raster mosaic to tiff tiles of a reduced/fixed resolution and based on a polygon tile system.

  • Extract by mask works but is very slow (~20 minutes per tile), even for a small area at a heavily reduced resolution
  • Split Raster is fast and has the functionality but exports black tiles (i.e. doesn't work)
  • I could possibly make something in python to use the exportToTiff method of dataframe but then it becomes hard to get consistent tile sizes.


I've tried my same code using Split Raster but with a pre-exported tiff tile and it works fine, it just doesn't seem to work when the source imagery is in a mosaic.....can anyone confirm that, in fact, using the split raster tool doesn't work with mosaics?


Is this a known bug/limitation? Any other ideas for achieving my outcome?

Thanks in advance

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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor


Sorry for the delay in responding to this.  Split Raster definitely DOES work for [input = Mosaic Dataset]; it may be that one of the properties of the MD is not correctly set, e.g. Max Size of Request or Max Number of Rasters.  It sounds like you are automating this; have you tried the Split Raster manually?  What size are the rasters you're outputting (rows/columns of pixels)?

Cody B.

Tim - updating this Monday a.m. 10/13.  If you're calling this tool from a script, be sure to set the necessary Environment variables...  First test with manual execution of the tool on a small Mosaic Dataset, then try your script to call the tool using the same Mosaic Dataset.  Let us know if this works for you -


Cody B

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Regular Contributor


can you help check if the doc with Python example of 'Split...' is correct? thkx

it looks a doc mistake as well, besides the function bug with 'Export Mosaic Dataset Items'


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Regular Contributor


it looks to me that your demand is to export/ clip images from 'processed' Mosaic Dataset, rather than 'Split Mosaic Dataset Items'

So, please try the new tool (10.2.2) called ' Export Mosaic Dataset Items' at ArcGIS Help (10.2, 10.2.1, and 10.2.2) ; and then

Please share your discovery with ESRI and us...

(In fact, we really need this Export/ clip tool, which is based on external Feature Class, to work smoothly onto MD in the near future...)

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