Capital Project Applications permission settings

02-19-2020 03:49 PM
New Contributor II

I installed 5 of the Capital Project solutions through ArcPro (CP Dashboard, CP Reports, CP Review, CP Review Dashboard, and CP Plans) and everything works great for me (the owner of them).  When I try to share everything (applications, web maps, feature layers....etc) so others can use it they get messages like "configured group is invalid" and "not fully configured".  How exactly are other users supposed to have permissions set so they can also use all these apps instead of just the user who created them? 

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5 Replies
Esri Contributor

Tony Taglia

Apologies for the delay, Tony. In addition to app sharing configuration, take a look at the included groups and their sharing permissions. You should have groups such as Capital Project Plans, Capital Project Reports, or Capital Project Review and you may need to share the groups as well. 

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New Contributor II

I did add the other users to the groups at first. But since not all the content was part of the groups, like some web maps and feature layers, I had to share those with the users as well. I did that by creating a new group so the content was not in the groups created by installing the apps. Is there anything else you can see that I may have missed?

Global Water Resources, Inc.

Tony Taglia

GIS Manager

Global Water Resources, Inc.

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Esri Contributor

Hi Tony,

Your method of introducing a second group in order to give access to the individual apps should work. You might want to make sure your users are in both groups (Capital Project Plans to gain access to Capital Project Plans gallery) as well as your new group to give access to the individual apps and their content. Are your users already in both groups?


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New Contributor II

Hi Mike – Yes all the users are in all the groups. I think I am finally seeing what my issue is. The feature layers that were created with the install of these apps have the URL with our internal server name while everything else has the external facing URL. So users can access the apps with the external facing URL but the app is calling the data with the internal URL (with the server name in it) and it is getting blocked. I can’t just edit the URL on these since they are hosted like I can for other things we’ve published. Is there a configuration somewhere we need to make in order for these hosted layers to be published with our external facing URL instead?

Global Water Resources, Inc.

Tony Taglia

GIS Manager

Global Water Resources, Inc.

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Esri Contributor

Hi Tony - I'm not sure if there is a configuration change that will get your desired results. A hosted feature service as deployed with a Solution (or Workforce / Survey123) will reflect your Portal environment's url; which sounds like it includes the machine name. In other words, there is nothing different about a Solution's hosted feature service. You may have better luck with support as they can speak more directly to Portal configuration options. Apologies that I can't provide a more direct answer. 


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