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Abbreviation Dictionary

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06-12-2015 08:11 AM
New Contributor II

I am trying to label utilities. I am using Maplex and have created a dictionary. When I go in and engage the dictionary thru properties apply and refresh etc... it does not change to the abbreviation.

Any ideas!

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1 Solution

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Regular Contributor II

Not really sure what else could be causing this. I can only suggest going back to the drawing board to test this in a new map this particular features a the only layer in there; Unchecked all strategies except for the abbreviations.  Ensure you click Apply in the layer properties after you make any change in there - clicking OK does not commit any changes.

I can confirm that the data dictionary works well in version 10.0, 10.1 and 10.2 but i have not tested in 10.3

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7 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor

Is there room to place the label without abbreviating? If so, I don't believe it will abbreviate, at least that's what I got from a 2 minute read from the help.

Regular Contributor II

Post your dictionary.  Area you completely replacing words with abbreviations?

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New Contributor II

I am completely replacing with Abbreviations. This is a short list just to see if it would work


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Regular Contributor II

Change all from Keyword to Translation. Then in the Layer Properties -> Placement Properties -> Fitting Strategy Tab -> Check Abbreviate Label -> Choose Option -> Select your dictionary from the list.

Once dictionary is selected;  Again in Fitting Strategy Tab -> Strategy Order (button at the bottom) -> Move Abbreviate label strategy to the TOP OF THE LIST.

Hope this helps

New Contributor II

Still didn't work. Is there something I am not seeing! I tried exactly how you put it a couple different times!

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Regular Contributor II

Not really sure what else could be causing this. I can only suggest going back to the drawing board to test this in a new map this particular features a the only layer in there; Unchecked all strategies except for the abbreviations.  Ensure you click Apply in the layer properties after you make any change in there - clicking OK does not commit any changes.

I can confirm that the data dictionary works well in version 10.0, 10.1 and 10.2 but i have not tested in 10.3

New Contributor II

I went back to the beginning, even looking at the
script in the label expression. I revised it and went thru And reattached
everything and it worked!

Thanks for the help