ArcGIS 10.1 - Basemap service credits won't display

03-11-2015 06:14 PM
New Contributor II

Hi all

I know the question often asked is how to hide/reduce the size of the service layer credits, but I'm having the opposite problem.

I'm trying to display the service layer credits in a text box using dynamic text, however the attribute is blank with text displaying as 'World Imagery - Service Layer Credits: ' followed by nothing.

If I remove the reference, or add new service layer dynamic text, the same problem occurs.

What could be happening here?


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6 Replies
New Contributor II

Noone else come across this problem?

Making it difficult to correctly reference the ESRI layers as attribution requires.

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New Contributor II

Hi Malcolm,

Just to make sure I understand this correctly, did you go to Insert > Dynamic Text > Service Layer Credits? And this is where it becomes blank for you with only the text "world-imagery-service layer credits:" Even if you expand the text window, it still displays as blank?

I just tested the workflow in a new map document: Add Basemap > Imagery > Switch to Layout view > Insert > Dynamic Text > service layer credits > double-click to access the text box and modifies font size, and am not able to reproduce the behavior.  Have you also tried this in a new map document and the same behavior is occurring? What version are you working with?


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New Contributor II

Hi Anna

That's correct Anna. I am working with ArcGIS Desktop Basic 10.1 (SP1).

If I begin with a new map document, I can get service layer credits to display correctly. These MXDs are ones that existed previously that I am updating, however as far as I can tell they are also the same version.

Using MXD Doctor to copy everything out into a new MXD results in the same problem carrying over though - I still can't get the service layer credits to display!

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New Contributor II

Hi Malcolm,

Sorry for the delayed response. So in a new map document, you're able to see the service layer credits. When using the MXD doctor to create a new mxd, the service layer credits becomes blank again? What happens if you open the new mxd and original mxd side by side and drag over the layers?

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New Contributor II

I'm not sure about what happens if I use MXD doctor after creating a new map document with a working dynamic link to service layer credits.

Dragging over layers doesn't fix it (service layer credits will be blank in the old MXD).

I have noticed that the problem is specific to data frames existing in the old MXDs. If I create a new data frame within the document and add a basemap to that, service layer credits will display correctly.

I have a lot of old templates and maps that need to be updated - would prefer not to have to create a new data frame in every one, copy over features, resize and set extent, and re-do the legend!

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New Contributor II

This problem is continuing to rear it's head.

I created a new blank MXD, set up new data frames, added a new basemap fresh. Initially service layer credits were displaying correctly, then somewhere along the way of copying in layers and elements into the new map layout, they disappeared and stopped working.

Getting very frustrating when attribution is part of the licensing for using the basemap imagery, yet the software isn't even displaying it on the imagery itself.

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