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Faild to connect to databese - ArcCatalog

10-29-2012 08:07 AM
New Contributor

I am facing problem while trying to export data from arcmap, it gives me this masseage


I tried to change the path and it gives me the same massage, I want to export the data to " File and Personal Geodatabase Feature Class " but when I export it to a shapefile it works !!

when I open the arcCatalog to view the file it gives me this masseage


I am running ArcGIS 10 and I am using windows 7

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3 Replies
New Contributor III
I do not think you are actually connected to a database. You need to double click either Springfield_results.gdb or Springfield_results1.gdb. It appears that ArcMap is trying to save to Home-Project1_Spingfield... and not a database.

The second problem might be resolved after fixing this one.

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by Anonymous User
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Original User: Mariam56

Thank you for your replaying

I double click Springfield_results.gdb and it give me the same error !! and when I tried to open the description view in Arc Catalog it gives me this massege


I download this data from " Making Spatial Decisions Using GIS Workbook " CD
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New Contributor III
Check the permissions and make sure they are not set to read only.

Thank you for your replaying

I double click Springfield_results.gdb and it give me the same error !! and when I tried to open the description view in Arc Catalog it gives me this massege


I download this data from " Making Spatial Decisions Using GIS Workbook " CD
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