Calculate Field Tool Does not Complete - Help

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04-10-2013 07:42 AM
Occasional Contributor III
I need help really bad. I have been looking through all of the Forum posts and and Help sections to try to figure out what is wrong with no luck. Here is what I am doing:
    I have a File Geodatabase (ArcMap 10.0) with a Feature Class (Service Location) which is the physical location of our electric meters. I have multiple fields that I need to update on a nightly basis. This data comes from our CIS system which holds account, customer and meter attribute information. I have a script to runs automatically every night that pulls an Oracle VW through an ODBC connection and brings it into my File Geodatabase as a Geodatabase Table. What I have to do is to update a specific field (Account Number) in the Feature Class with the same field in the table (ACCOUNTNUM)... Just an example. What I want to be able to do is to also have this script run automatically at night. I have around 9500 records in the feature class with about 15 different fields to do this to. The problem I am having is it takes up to 20 to 25 minutes for each field to update so at times - the script can take 8 to 9 hours to complete. From what I understand - this should take only a few minutes.... So what I am doing is not working.
I decided to go back to the "Drawing Board" to see if there is something I am missing with writing the code..... I decided to work with (1) field right now to see if I can make it work and get the update time down before I rewrite the rest of the code.

This is what I currently have and it does not seem to be working:

## Set the necessary product code import logging  # Import arcpy module import arcpy from arcpy import env   # if run in ArcGIS Desktop, show messages, also print to log def log(method, msg):     print msg     method(msg)  logging.basicConfig(         level=logging.INFO,         format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-s %(message)s',         datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S',         filename='Test_Update.log',         filemode='w'         )  log(, "Updating Service Locations Feature Class Begins")  # Set environment settings env.workspace = "C:\\MEWCo GIS System\\Electric System\\MEWCo_Electric_Model-LOCAL.gdb"  # Set Local variables: inFeatures = "SERVICE_LOCATION"                         # Service Location Feature Class layerName = "SERVICE_LOCATION_LAYER"                    # Service Location Feature Layer fieldName1 = "SERVICE_ADDRESS" expression1 = "CIS_Account_Data.SERVICE_ADDRESS" joinField = "POLE_NUMBER" joinField2 = "MAPNO" joinTable = "CIS_Account_Data"  # Create a Feature Layer from Service_Location Feature Class log(, "Create Feature Layer for Service Location Feature Class") arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(inFeatures, layerName)  # Join the feature layer to a table log(, "Join Table to Feature Layer Service Location") arcpy.AddJoin_management(layerName, joinField, joinTable, joinField2)      # Process: Calculate Field (Member Number) log(, "Update Member Number Field") arcpy.CalculateField_management(layerName, "SERVICE_LOCATION.MEMBER_NUMBER", '!MEMBERNO!', "PYTHON")  log(, "Complete")

I am not sure what is slowing this down. Am I looking at this process the wrong way?? Are there different tools that can be used to complete this mission??

Thank you for your help
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1 Solution

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by Anonymous User
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Thank you for the reply. Creating the Feature Layer and doing the Join seems to work just fine without any hold-up or lagging.... This is being done outside of ArcMap outside of an Edit Session... My intention is to have this done automatically at night and the only way I have figured out to do it is to have a Python Script and run a schedule task using the Windows Task Scheduler.

Forgive me - but I am still really new to Python and not sure how to use or write indexes and python dictionaries......I have done some (very little reading on it).....

Any ideas????

Thank you

Here is an example of some code I use all the time for getting values from one table to another without needing to join them.  I wrote this because I was frustrated by the amount of time it took to use the "join and calculate" method.  This is a hundred times faster because it uses dictionaries with update cursors.

The parameters are just the target table (I called it source_table below), a field with common values in both tables, a list of fields to be updated, the table with the desired values, the join field, then the fields that contain the values.  Below is the 10.0 code, I also have another version for 10.1 which is a little faster.  Let me know if you want that. 

import sys, traceback, arcpy, os from os import path as p  def AttributeUpdate(source_table, in_field, update_fields, join_table, join_key, join_values):     try:         """ Updates fields from one table to user defined fields in another table"""         # Check input parameters         if not arcpy.Exists(source_table):             print source_table + ' not found!\nPlease verify that full path of table exists'             sys.exit()         if not arcpy.Exists(join_table):             print join_table + ' not found!\nPlease verify that full path of table exists'             sys.exit()         if in_field not in [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(source_table)]:             print in_field + ' not found in ' + p.basename(source_table)             sys.exit()         if join_key not in [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(join_table)]:             print join_key + ' not found in ' + p.basename(join_table)             sys.exit()         for fld in update_fields:             if fld not in [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(source_table)]:                 print fld + ' not found in ' + p.basename(source_table)                 print 'Please verify that field names match in ' + p.basename(source_table)                 sys.exit()         for fldb in join_values:             if fldb not in [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(join_table)]:                 print fldb + ' not found in ' + p.basename(join_table)                 print 'Please verify that field names match in ' + p.basename(join_table)                 sys.exit()         if not type(join_values) == list:             join_values = list(join_values)         if not type(update_fields) == list:             update_fields = list(update_fields)          # Make sure there is matching number of join and update fields         update_dict = {}         if len(update_fields) == len(join_values):             for i in range(len(update_fields)):                 update_dict[join_values] = update_fields                              for k,v in update_dict.iteritems():                 # Create Dictionary                 path_dict = {}                 srows = arcpy.SearchCursor(join_table)                 for srow in srows:                     keyrow = srow.getValue(join_key)                     valrow = srow.getValue(k)                     path_dict[keyrow] = valrow                                  # Update Cursor                 urows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(source_table)                 for row in urows:                     upkey = row.getValue(in_field)                     try:                         if upkey in path_dict:                             row.setValue(v, path_dict[upkey])                             urows.updateRow(row)                     except:                         pass  # skip nulls                  print '\'%s\' field in "%s" updated successfully' %(v, p.basename(source_table))             del row, urows, srow, srows                    else:             print 'ERROR:  Number of update fields and value fields does not match'                      except:         print '\nERROR in AttributeUpdate Function.\nPlease Check input parameters and try again.'    if __name__ == '__main__':      shp = r'C:\IGIC\Advanced\Functions\DATA\Iowa_Co.shp'     dbf = r'C:\IGIC\Advanced\Functions\DATA\Census_2000.dbf'      # Attribute Update test     up_fields = ['POP2000','Perc_Urb','Perc_Rur']     jn_fields = ['POP2000','PCT_URB_00','PCT_RUR_00']     AttributeUpdate(shp,'FIPS',up_fields,dbf,'FIPS',jn_fields)         

I usually just import this function into other scripts.  I have called the script MemoryTableTools.  Here is an example of how you can do that:

import MemoryTableTools  shp = r'C:\IGIC\Advanced\Functions\DATA\Iowa_Co.shp' dbf = r'C:\IGIC\Advanced\Functions\DATA\Census_2000.dbf' up_fields = ['POP2000','Perc_Urb','Perc_Rur'] jn_fields = ['POP2000','PCT_URB_00','PCT_RUR_00']  MemoryTableTools.AttributeUpdate(shp,'FIPS',up_fields,dbf,'FIPS',jn_fields)

View solution in original post

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33 Replies
Occasional Contributor II
I had the same problem with AddJoin + CalculateField efficiency. One solution could be creating indexes on fields you're using in join if you hadn't done this before. If this won't help (sometimes it's not enough) I would suggest using combination of and python dictionary to collect right data from table, and then arcpy.da.UpdateCursor to update featureclass fields. It take some time to write, but it's very efficient. If you need some details feel free to ask.

Best Regards.
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Occasional Contributor III
I had the same problem with AddJoin + CalculateField efficiency. One solution could be creating indexes on fields you're using in join if you hadn't done this before. If this won't help (sometimes it's not enough) I would suggest using combination of and python dictionary to collect right data from table, and then arcpy.da.UpdateCursor to update featureclass fields. It take some time to write, but it's very efficient. If you need some details feel free to ask.

Best Regards.


Thank you for the reply. Creating the Feature Layer and doing the Join seems to work just fine without any hold-up or lagging.... This is being done outside of ArcMap outside of an Edit Session... My intention is to have this done automatically at night and the only way I have figured out to do it is to have a Python Script and run a schedule task using the Windows Task Scheduler.

Forgive me - but I am still really new to Python and not sure how to use or write indexes and python dictionaries......I have done some (very little reading on it).....

Any ideas????

Thank you
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Thank you for the reply. Creating the Feature Layer and doing the Join seems to work just fine without any hold-up or lagging.... This is being done outside of ArcMap outside of an Edit Session... My intention is to have this done automatically at night and the only way I have figured out to do it is to have a Python Script and run a schedule task using the Windows Task Scheduler.

Forgive me - but I am still really new to Python and not sure how to use or write indexes and python dictionaries......I have done some (very little reading on it).....

Any ideas????

Thank you

Here is an example of some code I use all the time for getting values from one table to another without needing to join them.  I wrote this because I was frustrated by the amount of time it took to use the "join and calculate" method.  This is a hundred times faster because it uses dictionaries with update cursors.

The parameters are just the target table (I called it source_table below), a field with common values in both tables, a list of fields to be updated, the table with the desired values, the join field, then the fields that contain the values.  Below is the 10.0 code, I also have another version for 10.1 which is a little faster.  Let me know if you want that. 

import sys, traceback, arcpy, os from os import path as p  def AttributeUpdate(source_table, in_field, update_fields, join_table, join_key, join_values):     try:         """ Updates fields from one table to user defined fields in another table"""         # Check input parameters         if not arcpy.Exists(source_table):             print source_table + ' not found!\nPlease verify that full path of table exists'             sys.exit()         if not arcpy.Exists(join_table):             print join_table + ' not found!\nPlease verify that full path of table exists'             sys.exit()         if in_field not in [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(source_table)]:             print in_field + ' not found in ' + p.basename(source_table)             sys.exit()         if join_key not in [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(join_table)]:             print join_key + ' not found in ' + p.basename(join_table)             sys.exit()         for fld in update_fields:             if fld not in [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(source_table)]:                 print fld + ' not found in ' + p.basename(source_table)                 print 'Please verify that field names match in ' + p.basename(source_table)                 sys.exit()         for fldb in join_values:             if fldb not in [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(join_table)]:                 print fldb + ' not found in ' + p.basename(join_table)                 print 'Please verify that field names match in ' + p.basename(join_table)                 sys.exit()         if not type(join_values) == list:             join_values = list(join_values)         if not type(update_fields) == list:             update_fields = list(update_fields)          # Make sure there is matching number of join and update fields         update_dict = {}         if len(update_fields) == len(join_values):             for i in range(len(update_fields)):                 update_dict[join_values] = update_fields                              for k,v in update_dict.iteritems():                 # Create Dictionary                 path_dict = {}                 srows = arcpy.SearchCursor(join_table)                 for srow in srows:                     keyrow = srow.getValue(join_key)                     valrow = srow.getValue(k)                     path_dict[keyrow] = valrow                                  # Update Cursor                 urows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(source_table)                 for row in urows:                     upkey = row.getValue(in_field)                     try:                         if upkey in path_dict:                             row.setValue(v, path_dict[upkey])                             urows.updateRow(row)                     except:                         pass  # skip nulls                  print '\'%s\' field in "%s" updated successfully' %(v, p.basename(source_table))             del row, urows, srow, srows                    else:             print 'ERROR:  Number of update fields and value fields does not match'                      except:         print '\nERROR in AttributeUpdate Function.\nPlease Check input parameters and try again.'    if __name__ == '__main__':      shp = r'C:\IGIC\Advanced\Functions\DATA\Iowa_Co.shp'     dbf = r'C:\IGIC\Advanced\Functions\DATA\Census_2000.dbf'      # Attribute Update test     up_fields = ['POP2000','Perc_Urb','Perc_Rur']     jn_fields = ['POP2000','PCT_URB_00','PCT_RUR_00']     AttributeUpdate(shp,'FIPS',up_fields,dbf,'FIPS',jn_fields)         

I usually just import this function into other scripts.  I have called the script MemoryTableTools.  Here is an example of how you can do that:

import MemoryTableTools  shp = r'C:\IGIC\Advanced\Functions\DATA\Iowa_Co.shp' dbf = r'C:\IGIC\Advanced\Functions\DATA\Census_2000.dbf' up_fields = ['POP2000','Perc_Urb','Perc_Rur'] jn_fields = ['POP2000','PCT_URB_00','PCT_RUR_00']  MemoryTableTools.AttributeUpdate(shp,'FIPS',up_fields,dbf,'FIPS',jn_fields)
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
So for your case if you save the script as like I have, this code should work:

import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from MemoryTableTools import *

# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:\\MEWCo GIS System\\Electric System\\MEWCo_Electric_Model-LOCAL.gdb"

# Set Local variables:
inFeatures = "SERVICE_LOCATION"                         
joinField = "POLE_NUMBER"
joinField2 = "MAPNO"
joinTable = "CIS_Account_Data"
up_fields = ['MEMBER_NUMBER']
jn_fields = ['MEMBERNO']

# Run Attribute Update
AttributeUpdate(inFeatures, 'POLE_NUMBER', up_fields, joinTable,'MAPNO',jn_fields)

Keep in mind that this works on multiple fields at a time if you need to, the above example just works on one field from your first post.  Also, be sure to save the script in a path that can be found by python (PYTHONPATH).  A directory like this:

0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor III

Its going to take me awhile to figure out the dictionaries and all.... This new script you have me - I did exactly as you directed and get an error message: NameError: name 'AttributeUpdate' is not defined


So for your case if you save the script as like I have, this code should work:

import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from MemoryTableTools import *

# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:\\MEWCo GIS System\\Electric System\\MEWCo_Electric_Model-LOCAL.gdb"

# Set Local variables:
inFeatures = "SERVICE_LOCATION"                         
joinField = "POLE_NUMBER"
joinField2 = "MAPNO"
joinTable = "CIS_Account_Data"
up_fields = ['MEMBER_NUMBER']
jn_fields = ['MEMBERNO']

# Run Attribute Update
AttributeUpdate(inFeatures, 'POLE_NUMBER', up_fields, joinTable,'MAPNO',jn_fields)

Keep in mind that this works on multiple fields at a time if you need to, the above example just works on one field from your first post.  Also, be sure to save the script in a path that can be found by python (PYTHONPATH).  A directory like this:

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Hmm, that is strange.  Did you save the script as and put it in your Python folder?  I guess you must have since you did not get an import error.  Perhaps you could try the namespace then:

import arcpy
from arcpy import env
import MemoryTableTools

# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:\\MEWCo GIS System\\Electric System\\MEWCo_Electric_Model-LOCAL.gdb"

# Set Local variables:
inFeatures = "SERVICE_LOCATION"                         
joinField = "POLE_NUMBER"
joinField2 = "MAPNO"
joinTable = "CIS_Account_Data"
up_fields = ['MEMBER_NUMBER']
jn_fields = ['MEMBERNO']

# Run Attribute Update
MemoryTableTools.AttributeUpdate(inFeatures, 'POLE_NUMBER', up_fields, joinTable,'MAPNO',jn_fields)

0 Kudos
Esteemed Contributor

Is there any reason why Chris' original script should take so long to run?

I am working with a much larger feature class and table performing the same type of join and calculate geoprocess and it completes in 5 minutes.

Is there any chance it could be due to field type differences between the join field in the table and the field that is being calculated in the feature class?
0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor III

Went through and did exactly what you said over again with the script you included in the latest E-Mail....And I get this:

ImportError: Bad magic number in C:/Python27/ArcGIS10.1/Lib\weakref.pyc

Also - when I open the script in Python IDLE - it says version: Python 2.6.5 - is this a big deal or do I need to upgrade?


Hmm, that is strange.  Did you save the script as and put it in your Python folder?  I guess you must have since you did not get an import error.  Perhaps you could try the namespace then:

import arcpy
from arcpy import env
import MemoryTableTools

# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:\\MEWCo GIS System\\Electric System\\MEWCo_Electric_Model-LOCAL.gdb"

# Set Local variables:
inFeatures = "SERVICE_LOCATION"                         
joinField = "POLE_NUMBER"
joinField2 = "MAPNO"
joinTable = "CIS_Account_Data"
up_fields = ['MEMBER_NUMBER']
jn_fields = ['MEMBERNO']

# Run Attribute Update
MemoryTableTools.AttributeUpdate(inFeatures, 'POLE_NUMBER', up_fields, joinTable,'MAPNO',jn_fields)

0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor III

I went to my Feature Class and Table just to verify. The (2) fields I am using to Join the table to the feature class are the same. Also the (2) fields (Member Number) are both [TEXT] field type.


Is there any reason why Chris' original script should take so long to run?

I am working with a much larger feature class and table performing the same type of join and calculate geoprocess and it completes in 5 minutes.

Is there any chance it could be due to field type differences between the join field in the table and the field that is being calculated in the feature class?
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