Field not diplaying in Quantities Symbology

06-05-2014 03:46 PM
New Contributor III
Hi I am trying to create a graduate color quantities symbology for a string field in my attribute table but in the drop down menu it doesn't show up. If I go to categories>unique values it shows up in the drop down of the field values. Does anyone know why? Or what I could be doing wrong?

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22 Replies
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Would it be possible for you to upload a copy of the csv?  Dealing in with all this theoretically makes it a bit hard to deal with. 

Also which method are you using to create the layer in ArcGIS?  Are you bringing the csv sheet into the Table of Contents, then right clicking and selecting "Display XY data" or are you bring it up in the catalog and right clicking on the sheet in the catalog and selecting "Make Feature Class">"From XY data".  If you follow the second method, you should be able to make a shapefile out of it, so it wouldn't mess with the lack of projection and move your points like it did when it you made it a gdb feature class.
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New Contributor III
I was originally doing the first of the two but I also just tried the second and when I zoom to layer there is still a point way outside of where it should be which doesn't happen when I display XY data within the table of contents it happens when I try to save these layers that I am working on into a geodatabase by using the "feature class to feature class" tool under conversion tools "To Geodatabase". For some reason the CSV won't upload it says invalid file and the excel file exceeds the limit... hmmm...
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If you put in it a zip file then it probably wouldn't be too big.
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New Contributor III

What was the verdict on this one?  I am having the same issue...

I uploaded a CSV file of numeric columns, joined them to my polygons, they show in the attribute table and under >symboloby>categories but NOT under >quantities....

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New Contributor III

Also, the title of the joined columns doesn't show what it was in excel...instead of my text is says 'field2 field3 field4'.

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There was never any additional follow-up from them, so no idea if it ever got resolved.  I again extend my offer to look at a copy of the csv. 

Also I recommend converting the csv to a geodatabase table, it usually helps clear up a few things prior to the join.

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New Contributor III

I guess I can just reply to this email instead of messaging...


Edwin Terrell

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New Contributor

Hey guys, I seem to have an issue with that function as well, i importet datasets form a CSV file for my BA Thesis, trying to show the date of emergencies around my hometown. now for some reason i can't choose to show all sets from the column "Indikation" which sucks and is essential to my work. can you please help me?

what came to my mind is that i recognize next to the different sets there are "," marks that are not in the original Dataset....any ideas on that?

thanks in advance!

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I am in the same situation right now. How did you fix the issue on your end ? 

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