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Spatial Statistics Tools wont work

03-27-2012 07:35 AM
New Contributor
Hi there!

Last week I tested out the Spatial Statistics Tools, espacially the mean center tool an everything worked fine. Today I had to work with it, but it wont work with me 😞
As you can see on the picture, in front of the line where you choose the input layer, there is a red dot with a white cross on it, but hovering it dont give me a solution like other times and if i am going to run it, i get a error without any hints.


We are using ArcInfo so this toolbox should be integrated in our version BUT my colleague has the same problem, too. Because it is integrated, it isn't available in the license manager and i dont have any idea how to fix it...!
Anyone know what to do? The installation of the SP4 didn't fix it.

Thanks and greetings
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3 Replies
New Contributor II
got the same problem on 2 out of 3 our machines.
Need help!
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New Contributor II
Have contacted Technical Support regarding this issue. They suggested deleting/renaming of Normal.mxt in templates folder. Another advice was to make a repair. Unfortunately no one of these actions gave a result.
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New Contributor II
Hi again,

seems the problem is solved for us.
It turned out that the Python was not installed onto machines where Spatial Statistics tools malfunctioned.
After installing Python 2.6 the tools work properly.
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